Chinese Government, the World Leader in Democide, Recommends US Implement Gun Restrictions Laws

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Chinese Paper Says U.S. Should Learn from China, Restrict Guns, Protect Rights:

The United States should learn from China and “genuinely” protect human rights by restricting gun ownership, an editorial in a widely read state-run Chinese newspaper said on Friday.

The editorial in the Global Times newspaper was published after a massacre at a high school in Florida last week, in which 17 students and staff were killed, reignited a long-running debate about gun control in the United States.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Oh, the irony! The Chinese “Republic” is responsible for the largest #democide on record, in the last century, with a body count of about 70 million victims. Communism is one of the most murderous forms of government known to man. But, hey… it’s not RACIST like NAZISM, so… no big deal!

Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘Killed 45 Million in Four Years’:

The Pathology of Political Progressivism

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, after I posted a quote shared by an acquaintance…


“Political Progressivism in the USA is an ideology that currently holds it to be an egregious wrong to refer disparagingly to women but considers it hunky-dory to kill them and their children with drone rockets. The evidence in this regard seems to me to be a matter of record and beyond dispute.”

~Robert Higgs

“But, Obama dropped *humanitarian* bombs on the innocent civilians of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Somalia! Plus, democrats actually welcome any survivors of our ‘aid’ to come and live in America! Unlike those racist Republicans, the left cares about refugees!”

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Jeb Bush Recommends Obama Give ‘Tip of the Hat’ to Brother on Foreign Policy:

US Drone Strikes Could be Classed as War Crimes, Says Amnesty International:

Ryan H.: I enjoyed what you added to the post. Nice work Rayn.

The Danger of Engaging in Perpetual War

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following link, which I originally posted to my own wall in August of 2016, and decidedly re-shared it, while adding a commentary…

Our Greatest National Security Threat? Perpetual War:

(William Astore) The United States is now engaged in perpetual war with victory nowhere in sight.  Iraq is chaotic and scarred. So, too, is Libya. Syria barely exists. After 15 years, “progress” in Afghanistan has proven eminently reversible as efforts to rollback recent Taliban gainscontinue to falter. The Islamic State may be fracturing, but its various franchises are finding new and horrifying ways to replicate themselves and lash out. Having spent trillions of dollars on war with such sorry results, it’s a wonder that key figures in the U.S. military or officials in any other part of America’s colossal national security state and the military-industrial complex (“the Complex” for short) haven’t spoken out forcefully and critically about the disasters on their watch.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Not exactly rocket science, and yet, it still remains an ever-elusive concept to most, somehow…

Because of EPA Lie, 9/11 First Responders Continue to Die

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

5 FDNY, NYPD First Responders Die From 9/11-Related Illnesses Within a Week:

(Erica Byfield) Every time someone passes away, a part of me dies because I have the job of researching it and collecting data on these passing,” said John Feal, founder of the FealGood Foundation. “I have been to 159 wakes and funerals.”

Feal is the founder of the FealGood foundation, a nonprofit organization that assists first responders who have been injured in the line of duty. His group raised money for a massive granite memorial on Long Island. Each etched name represents a first responder who died from a 9/11-related illness.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Never forget… the EPA declared the air at Ground Zero to be “safe.”

Trust in government is dangerous for your health! #StatismIsAReligion#StatismIsACult #StatismKills

In 2016, War Hawk, Obama, Beats His Previous Bombing Record

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Swan Song from a “Reluctant” Hawk:

(Gene Healy) President Obama will deliver his Farewell Address tonight to a capacity crowd in Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center. It’s the right venue for the speech, the president explained last week, because Chicago is “where my career in public service began.”

Indeed, it’s the city where, as a young state senator in 2002, Obama gave an antiwar rally speech railing against the “dumb,” “rash” rush to war in Iraq; and where, as a presidential candidate five years later, he promised to “turn the page on the imperial presidency” and usher in “a new dawn of peace.” And yet, 2008’s “peace candidate” will leave office as the first two-term president in American history to have been at war every day of his presidency, having dropped over 25,000 bombs on seven countries in 2016 alone.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Or, as his supporters say, “no scandals for eight years.” Pffttt! You can’t make this stuff up!

Perhaps, the war hawk should be awarded another Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts?

Oh, and Obama also prosecuted more whistle-blowers than all previous presidents, combined. Or, as he would call it, “the most transparent administration in history.”

Statists gonna State! Try voting harder, next time, voting cattle! That’ll *really* show the government who’s in charge!