In 2016, War Hawk, Obama, Beats His Previous Bombing Record

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Swan Song from a “Reluctant” Hawk:

(Gene Healy) President Obama will deliver his Farewell Address tonight to a capacity crowd in Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center. It’s the right venue for the speech, the president explained last week, because Chicago is “where my career in public service began.”

Indeed, it’s the city where, as a young state senator in 2002, Obama gave an antiwar rally speech railing against the “dumb,” “rash” rush to war in Iraq; and where, as a presidential candidate five years later, he promised to “turn the page on the imperial presidency” and usher in “a new dawn of peace.” And yet, 2008’s “peace candidate” will leave office as the first two-term president in American history to have been at war every day of his presidency, having dropped over 25,000 bombs on seven countries in 2016 alone.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Or, as his supporters say, “no scandals for eight years.” Pffttt! You can’t make this stuff up!

Perhaps, the war hawk should be awarded another Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts?

Oh, and Obama also prosecuted more whistle-blowers than all previous presidents, combined. Or, as he would call it, “the most transparent administration in history.”

Statists gonna State! Try voting harder, next time, voting cattle! That’ll *really* show the government who’s in charge!

Obama Will Continue Engaging in War Crimes, Unabated, Until the Day He Leaves the White House

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Obama Will Not Roll Back Drone Program Before Trump Takes Office:

Meanwhile, The Guardian is reporting that President Obama will not tighten rules governing the U.S. drone assassination program before Donald Trump’s inauguration.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Surprised? I’m not…

Neo-Conned, Neo-Libbed into Fascism

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Vacate the Military


"Conservative Paradise: Lots of Police and Military. Secure Borders. Mandatory Flag Worship."

“Conservative Paradise:
Lots of Police and Military. Secure Borders. Mandatory Flag Worship.”

Jonas A.: Uhmmmmm…more like National Socialist Paradize!!!! 🙂

Rayn: A nation can be Neo-Conned and/or Neo-Libbed into fascism, since the two actually represent the left and right wings of the war-hawk called the State…

“Humans of New York”? Ha! Hillary Clinton Should be Featured on “Lizards of Gov”!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my the Facebook wall of my friend, Katherine C, after she posted a captioned photo being shared by the page, “Humans of New York

Katherine C.:

"I’m not Barack Obama. I’m not Bill Clinton. Both of them carry themselves with a naturalness that is very appealing to audiences. But I’m married to one and I’ve worked for the other, so I know how hard they work at being natural. It’s not something they just dial in. They work and they practice what they’re going to say. It's not that they're trying to be somebody else. But it's hard work to present yourself in the best possible way. You have to communicate in a way that people say: ‘OK, I get her.’ And that can be more difficult for a woman. Because who are your models? If you want to run for the Senate, or run for the Presidency, most of your role models are going to be men. And what works for them won’t work for you. Women are seen through a different lens. It’s not bad. It’s just a fact. It’s really quite funny. I’ll go to these events and there will be men speaking before me, and they’ll be pounding the message, and screaming about how we need to win the election. And people will love it. And I want to do the same thing. Because I care about this stuff. But I’ve learned that I can’t be quite so passionate in my presentation. I love to wave my arms, but apparently that’s a little bit scary to people. And I can’t yell too much. It comes across as ‘too loud’ or ‘too shrill’ or ‘too this’ or ‘too that.’ Which is funny, because I’m always convinced that the people in the front row are loving it.”

“I’m not Barack Obama. I’m not Bill Clinton. Both of them carry themselves with a naturalness that is very appealing to audiences. But I’m married to one and I’ve worked for the other, so I know how hard they work at being natural. It’s not something they just dial in. They work and they practice what they’re going to say. It’s not that they’re trying to be somebody else. But it’s hard work to present yourself in the best possible way. You have to communicate in a way that people say: ‘OK, I get her.’ And that can be more difficult for a woman. Because who are your models? If you want to run for the Senate, or run for the Presidency, most of your role models are going to be men. And what works for them won’t work for you. Women are seen through a different lens. It’s not bad. It’s just a fact. It’s really quite funny. I’ll go to these events and there will be men speaking before me, and they’ll be pounding the message, and screaming about how we need to win the election. And people will love it. And I want to do the same thing. Because I care about this stuff. But I’ve learned that I can’t be quite so passionate in my presentation. I love to wave my arms, but apparently that’s a little bit scary to people. And I can’t yell too much. It comes across as ‘too loud’ or ‘too shrill’ or ‘too this’ or ‘too that.’ Which is funny, because I’m always convinced that the people in the front row are loving it.”

Rayn: Lizards of Gov…

Vacate the Vote to Withdraw Consent and Non-Violently Delegitimize Government

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Left and Right Wing of the America War-Hawk“…

Rayn: War-hawk: a bird of prey.

“There’s the right-wing. There’s the left-wing. And then, there’s knowing.”

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

Damion S.: I love this!!! Knowing- I’ll take no-wing! 😉

Marilyn W.: Know so…

Rayn: Discover the single-most important factor that ended the Apartheid State in South Africa…

Why You Got to Stop Voting:

As the author states: “Boycotting elections alone will not oust the oligarchy, but it is the only proven non-violent way to delegitimize a government. “

Vacate The Vote and Vote for Nobody! Far from being “political inaction,” “a dereliction of public duty,” or “failure to politically speak,” it is the opposite of all such claims, and stands out, historically, as one of the most real, effective and non-violent means to place a solid vote of “No Confidence” against all candidates at any given election! Withdraw Consent!