The Ol’ Political Bait-And-Switch

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Vote harder, tax cattle!

“DeMoCrAcY iS oN tHe BalLot”

Democracy IS the ballot, you politically-illiterate hack. And, how is that whole majority control over minority groups working out for you? Do you really believe the 1%-manufactured lie that human rights are secured via popularity contest? Why would any rational individual negotiate with mass-murdering political terrorists for a few tattered scraps of humanity?

‘Impeachment is Off the Table’ Pelosi Strikes Again!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Told you! “Impeachment is off the table” Pelosi would continue to obstruct justice, for a third time… Criminality is a bipartisan policy. They only bicker over *which* tyranny and abuse should be implemented, next.

Pelosi Blasts Eric Holder Contempt Vote: ‘I Could Have Arrested Karl Rove Any Day’:

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’:

Nancy Pelosi Took Donald Trump Impeachment Off Table as Democrats Won House:

Pelosi Urges Bipartisanship as Democrats Win U.S. House:

Peter: We all know that impeachment is not really “off the table “ Just waiting for Mueller and for the new Committee Chairpersons to take over in January. It is important to move slowly and deliberately to expose Trump to the half of the country that believes his lies if we really want to be successful

Genaire: his base is either a bunch of morons, racist or down right selfishly greedy. They won’t care what evidence is presented.

Stacie T.: Exposing him will do nothing, unfortunately. He’s been pretty blatant about it all right from the get. That half believes him because they want to. They know the truth. They don’t care. All they know is that they can be openly racist, homophobic, xenophobic and classist because of him, so they’re going to hold onto him like their nuts in a hateful game of paint ball. I mean, how dare the other half elect a black president and think they’re going to go unpunished for it, right?

Sandra C.: Pelosi definitely CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!

Rayn: Just saw this, and had a good laugh…

Rayn? Lookie, lookie ?
What a “surprise”! I’m completely “shocked”!

Donald Trump Endorses Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House:

Israel Interferes in US Elections Much More than Russia

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses US Congress

Israeli Intervention in US Elections ‘Vastly Overwhelms’ Anything Russia has Done, Claims Noam Chomsky:

(Andrew BuncombeVeteran activist Noam Chomsky has accused Israel of “brazenly” interfering in US electoral politics in a way that vastly outweighs any efforts that may have been carried out by Russia.

In comments in which he accused much of the media of concentrating on stories he considered marginal and ignoring issues such as the “existential threat” of climate change, the 89-year-old linguist said in much of the world, the US media’s focus with Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 was “a joke”.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Shhh… They’re our colonial “allies,” receiving massive US foreign aid, and holding major lobbying power, so they meddle only at the behest of American interests.

College Students Bested By Postal Stamp Needed for Absentee Ballots

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

College Students Say  They Can’t Send in Their Absentee Ballots Because They Don’t Know Where to Buy Stamps:

() Democrats are counting on Generation Z, many of whom recently gained the right to vote, to help turn Congress blue in the midterm elections.

But 49 cents may be all it takes to keep these post-Millennials from exercising their civic duty.

On Tuesday, a Fairfax County, Virginia official said they are noticing a disturbing trend: young people failing to mail in their absentee ballots because they don’t know how to get a stamp.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Vote harder!

Your Masters Are Counting on Your Vote!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Recovering Statist,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“If you vote, you cannot complain. You wanted a master and you got one.”

My Commentary: Vote harder, suckers! Your masters are counting on it!