Prison Planet Live :
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Oil on the Shore – John Forté ft. Rayn :
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America Live @ the MMAC :
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Hip-Hop-crisy Live @ the MMAC :
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America Live @ YMCA Poetry Reading :
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America Live @ Armory Tavern :
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Living Lies Live @ Armory Tavern :
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America Live @ Armory Tavern :
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Hip-Hop-crisy Live @ Armory Tavern :
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America Live :
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Hip-Hop-crisy Live :
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(All portions of the videos, “Prison Planet Live,” “America Live @ the MMAC,” “Hip-Hop-crisy Live @ the MMAC,” “America Live @ YMCA Poetry Reading,” “America Live @ Armory Tavern,” “Hip-Hop-crisy Live @ Armory Tavern,” “American Live,” and “Hip-Hop-crisy Live,” of and by Rayn Kleipe, along with lyrics and sounds contained within, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License )
(“Oil on the Shore,” which contains instrumental, first verse lyrics and chorus by John Forté, with second verse lyrics and video by Rayn Kleipe, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , while all remaining images within video are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use )