Americans Tasked With Child-Sacrifice to Help Globalist Rebuild Their Coveted “One World Order”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following infographic being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Are you ready to sacrifice your own children to build the “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT” MONOPOLY that your 1% “ELECT” have been openly invoking, for decades? Future generations will sleep comfortably in the knowledge that humanity’s “progressives” were so ENLIGHTENED and FORWARD-THINKING, they WISELY saw FORCE as the BEST means to accomplish their version of “GOOD” on the planet, and worked overtime to BREATHE ARTIFICIAL LIFE into a MAN-MADE STRUCTURE SO VAST AND OVER-REACHING, that the small and insignificant human race would never even fathom escaping the talons of their brand of AUTHORITARIANISM, having eliminated any reference to a reality alternative to that of being absolutely owned as completely-expendable, fully-recyclable corporate property. Congratulations, for helping humanity’s “betters” in their effort to CANCEL FREE-WILL!


Remembering the Holodomor…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Memories of the Great Famine in Ukraine:

During the Great Famine of the 1930s as many as four million Ukrainians died during the forced collectivisation of farms by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Say “no” to war! Between 1907-1909, my great-grandparents left the Ukraine in order to escape the coming Bolshevik Revolution. They were able to completely avoid the genocidal Holodomor (Голодомо́р) that inevitably followed, and laid waste to their entire homeland. Communism always was, and always has been, one of the most dangerous forms of economic terrorism humanity has ever encountered This disturbingly elitist, paternalistic, misanthropic, sociopathic, bankster-funded ideology is responsible for more murders in the 20th century than all other forms of Statism, combined…

Neither the current US-installed Ukrainian puppet government, nor the Russian government have any legitimate authority over the Sovereign Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe. Both infiltrating ROGUE nations were created by, and are still controlled by, FOREIGN influences. Do not allow the puppet show to distract you from following the strings back to the hidden hands of the shadowy figures behind the curtain, controlling this world theater.

Human life is more valuable than the murderous corporate interests of the War Vampire Class. End war, or war will end us!

Israel Interferes in US Elections Much More than Russia

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses US Congress

Israeli Intervention in US Elections ‘Vastly Overwhelms’ Anything Russia has Done, Claims Noam Chomsky:

(Andrew BuncombeVeteran activist Noam Chomsky has accused Israel of “brazenly” interfering in US electoral politics in a way that vastly outweighs any efforts that may have been carried out by Russia.

In comments in which he accused much of the media of concentrating on stories he considered marginal and ignoring issues such as the “existential threat” of climate change, the 89-year-old linguist said in much of the world, the US media’s focus with Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 was “a joke”.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Shhh… They’re our colonial “allies,” receiving massive US foreign aid, and holding major lobbying power, so they meddle only at the behest of American interests.

The Danger of Engaging in Perpetual War

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following link, which I originally posted to my own wall in August of 2016, and decidedly re-shared it, while adding a commentary…

Our Greatest National Security Threat? Perpetual War:

(William Astore) The United States is now engaged in perpetual war with victory nowhere in sight.  Iraq is chaotic and scarred. So, too, is Libya. Syria barely exists. After 15 years, “progress” in Afghanistan has proven eminently reversible as efforts to rollback recent Taliban gainscontinue to falter. The Islamic State may be fracturing, but its various franchises are finding new and horrifying ways to replicate themselves and lash out. Having spent trillions of dollars on war with such sorry results, it’s a wonder that key figures in the U.S. military or officials in any other part of America’s colossal national security state and the military-industrial complex (“the Complex” for short) haven’t spoken out forcefully and critically about the disasters on their watch.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Not exactly rocket science, and yet, it still remains an ever-elusive concept to most, somehow…

Dutifully Awaiting Further Instructions from Officials Before Knowing How to Proceed…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto “Kill” Cancer Study:

(Joel Rosenblatt, Lydia Mulvany, Peter Waldman) The Environmental Protection Agency official who was in charge of evaluating the cancer risk of Monsanto Co.’s Roundup allegedly bragged to a company executive that he deserved a medal if he could kill another agency’s investigation into the herbicide’s key chemical.

The boast was made during an April 2015 phone conversation, according to farmers and others who say they’ve been sickened by the weed killer. After leaving his job as a manager in the EPA’s pesticide division last year, Jess Rowland has become a central figure in more than 20 lawsuits in the U.S. accusing the company of failing to warn consumers and regulators of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicide can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

(Read entire article here...)

My Commentary: Conspiracy theory? Meddling Russians? Quick, mainstream media monopoly! Tell me who’s to blame for this fake news story, and which government agency to rely on for solutions, so I can resume life in my comfort zone of unquestioning complacency and consumerism!

Thanks in Advance,
The Average American