Austin, Texas Bans Congregations of More Than Six Adults on Private Property, Solidifying Public Enslavement Within the Nanny State

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Austin Bans People From Gathering and Sleeping On Private Property:

(Andre’ Gabriel Esparza) Earlier this year the Austin City Council banned inside and outside gatherings with a 9-2 vote, making it illegal to have “more than six adults” congregating between the hours of 7 a.m and 10 p.m. Which would obviously include: birthday parties, backyard BBQs, family reunions, bachelor and bachelorette events, and even infringing on religious celebrations like Quinceaneras and bar mitzvahs. People that have spent top dollar to rent these (Short Term Rental properties) that are also considered private property will now be forced by the city to comply and adhere to the ordinance or be issued extortion notes. They also face the dangerous actions of having their private events & vacations raided and ransacked by the Austin police and the code compliance automatons with their clipboards walking in to jot down anything that they don’t like.  The  temporary residents are also prohibited from sleeping or playing any instruments past 10 p.m.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Enjoy your own enslavement within the Nanny State. It’s all for your own “good.” 😉

To Begin on the Path Towards Peace, Recognize One of the Most Basic Tenets of Morality

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “End the Drug War,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don't understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business."

“More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don’t understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business.”

My Commentary: No Victim, No Crime! Please MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS to understand this basic tenet of morality! Otherwise, the “legal” system you are forced to pay for will continue to violate, abuse, kidnap and imprison the innocent and peaceful in the name of “safety,” “the greater good,” and other such empty, meaningless tripe.

The Hostile Takeover of the US Government Corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is Almost Complete!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Mom Arrested For Not Cutting Grass, Kids Left Home Alone With Officer:


Mother of five, Ebony Conner, said she was given a verbal warning by a code enforcement officer at the end of June to remove trash, tow cars from her driveway, and cut her grass.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The Draconian Police State is the problem…

America: 5% of world’s population, 25% of world’s prison population

No Victim, No Crime! No Justice, No Peace!

The hostile takeover of the US government corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is almost complete… Just. A. Few. More. Laws.

The Symptoms Are Everywhere, But the Underlying Problem is the Deadly Institution Known as “The State”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

NYPD Quotas:

My Commentary: Let us treat the problem, not just the symptoms! These elitist control-freaks would be powerless without the legal monopoly on “justice” and violence that is THE STATE! It is THIS DEADLY INSTITUTION that provides them with the ability to criminalize our humanity, while simultaneously legalizing their criminality!

Democide: 20th Century Mortacracies:
(260+ million human beings were murdered by their own gov’t over the last century – and, these figures don’t even account for all of the casualties from the imperialistic wars of aggression that these psychopaths have orchestrated during that time)

No victim, no crime! Any form of “regulation” beyond this is an overreaching violation of the innocent and peaceful in search of a boogie man that lives no further than the nearest mirror, whether the alleged violation be “jaywalking,” “failure to wear a seatbelt,” a “broken taillight,” selling loose cigarettes, etc.

“The more laws, the less justice.” – Marcus Cicero
“The more corrupt the State, the more it legislates.” – Tacitus

Police are a State-funded gang of thugs, trained and ordered to harass, extort, rob, kidnap, cage, brutalize and murder the most vulnerable members of society, in an effort to empower and enrich the State, and the military-prison-industrial-complex that controls it!

Much Like His Predecessor, Obama is a Professional Actor, and a Pure Political Parasite

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Statism is a Religion“…


"The two faces of a sociopath 1. Cries for child victims of gun violence 2. Murders children with drone bombs"

“The two faces of a sociopath
1. Cries for child victims of gun violence
2. Murders children with drone bombs”

Greg C.: Nice dentures Barrack you fake ass actor. You cry about guns like white people shouldn’t be allowed to have them. You didn’t cry when ISIS was beheading Christian children though – did you? You damn phony. You told 60 minutes you could win a 3rd term but the majority of this country despises you. I think Donald Trump or Cruz would give you the beating of your life in the next election. America can’t wait till you wave good bye and jet with that wife of yours…

Rayn: He’s definitely a straight-up actor, like his predecessor. Pure political parasites!

"Vote for Nobody *Nobody will keep elections promises *Nobody will listen to your concerns *Nobody will help the poor & destitute *Nobody cares about you & your family Nobody tells the truth."

“Vote for Nobody:
*Nobody will keep elections promises
*Nobody will listen to your concerns
*Nobody will help the poor & destitute
*Nobody cares about you & your family
Nobody tells the truth.”