I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, a married, truck-driving team, who were falsely imprisoned for two months when police discovered baggies of baking soda in their truck at a vehicle checkpoint
Arkansas Couple Spends 2 Months in Jail After Cops Mistake Baking Soda for Cocaine:
(Meg Wagner) A truck-driving couple spent two months in jail and lost their jobs after Arkansas police mistook a plastic baggie full of baking soda for a hefty supply of cocaine.
Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, who haul explosives for the U.S. military, said they were detained for eight grueling weeks while they waited for a lab to overturn the in-the-field drug test that detected illegal drugs in their truck.
“We both didn’t think we were going to get out at all,” Griffin told KATV.
My Commentary: Sickening…