America’s War on Drugs, Gone Wild!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, a married, truck-driving team, who were falsely imprisoned for two months when police discovered baggies of baking soda in their truck at a vehicle checkpoint

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, a married, truck-driving team, who were falsely imprisoned for two months when police discovered baggies of baking soda in their truck at a vehicle checkpoint

Arkansas Couple Spends 2 Months in Jail After Cops Mistake Baking Soda for Cocaine:

(Meg Wagner) A truck-driving couple spent two months in jail and lost their jobs after Arkansas police mistook a plastic baggie full of baking soda for a hefty supply of cocaine.

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, who haul explosives for the U.S. military, said they were detained for eight grueling weeks while they waited for a lab to overturn the in-the-field drug test that detected illegal drugs in their truck.

“We both didn’t think we were going to get out at all,” Griffin told KATV.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Sickening…

Judge Admits On Camera that Extorting the Public Over Victimless Crimes is His “Job Security”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Magistrate Joe Licata and defendent, Robin Clearey, in a Harris County, Texas courtroom

Magistrate Joe Licata and defendent, Robin Clearey, in a Harris County, Texas, courtroom

Harris County Judge Says Arrests of Poor People Good for Job Security:

(Meagan Flynn) The driving infractions and fines had piled up on Robin Clearey, who stood before Magistrate Joe Licata after she was ticketed for driving without working taillights, a license or valid registration.

he had been through this many times before, she told the judge, and at that very moment she also had a criminal case pending for driving with an invalid license, for which she would stay in jail unless she paid a $3,500 bond. Licata warned her that, if she didn’t pay the fines for these tickets and renew her license after paying surcharges to the Department of Public Safety, “you’re gonna get arrested every time you get pulled over.”

That was nothing to her, Clearey responded — because she had already become trapped in a cycle of arrests.

“It’s nothing to me either,” Licata told her. “It’s job security.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: I’ve been trying to explain this concept to Statists for years, but now you can read and hear it for yourselves!

Even Democrats Are Beginning to Question Obama’s Failure to Prosecute Any Banksters Behind 2007-2008 Financial Crisis

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Elizabeth Warren, Democratic Representative from Massachusettes

Elizabeth Warren, Democratic Representative from Massachusetts

Warren Demands Investigation Into Obama’s Failure to Jail the Banksters:

(Lauren McCauley) Though President Barack Obama is set to leave office in matter of months, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is not willing to let him go without a full explanation as to why his administration refused to jail the Wall Street banksters behind the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

In a letter sent to Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general Michael Horowitz on Thursday, the progressive firebrand demanded an investigation into why the DOJ refused to file criminal charges against individuals despite “‘serious indications of violation[s]’ of federal securities and other laws,” uncovered by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) probe into the causes of the economic crash.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: LOL!

But, Without Government, Who Would Institutionalize Systemic Injustice?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by an acquaintance from hereand originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"American Injustice: Authorities uncovered that Wachovia bank laundered $378.4 billion for a Mexican drug cartel. The bank was fined just $50 million (2% of its profits) and no one went to jail. But, we lock up kids over a dime bag of pot. Let that sink in."

“American Injustice: Authorities uncovered that Wachovia bank laundered $378.4 billion for a Mexican drug cartel. The bank was fined just $50 million (2% of its profits) and no one went to jail. But, we lock up kids over a dime bag of pot. Let that sink in.”

My Commentary: But, without government…

Abducted by the State, Robbed, and Now Dead…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Dr. Sebi

Dr. Sebi

Dr. Sebi Dies from Complications After $37,000 Arrest:

“When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.” – African proverb

Our Elders are an endangered resource and the sprout of our energetic transformation. We must never forget that our Ancestors are not in the past, they are of high vibration and thus in the future. Sevan Bomar

Dr. Sebi has died on August 6, 2016. He was arrested for having $37,000 and was taken to a jail from the Roatan airport under accusations of money laundering according to sources. It does make since that having over $10,000 in cash can lead to issues at the airport as we all have seen the form that asks to report cash over certain amounts if it is in your custody. However a simple check on the internet reveals that TSA does not actually have a limited amount that you can carry. This may vary from country to country however. How long he was kept detained and the extent of what he suffered there is also not known, however, it has been clarified that the activity that took place in that scenario did cause health complications and he was then taken to the hospital.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Abducted by the State, robbed, and now dead…