The Symptoms Are Everywhere, But the Underlying Problem is the Deadly Institution Known as “The State”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

NYPD Quotas:

My Commentary: Let us treat the problem, not just the symptoms! These elitist control-freaks would be powerless without the legal monopoly on “justice” and violence that is THE STATE! It is THIS DEADLY INSTITUTION that provides them with the ability to criminalize our humanity, while simultaneously legalizing their criminality!

Democide: 20th Century Mortacracies:
(260+ million human beings were murdered by their own gov’t over the last century – and, these figures don’t even account for all of the casualties from the imperialistic wars of aggression that these psychopaths have orchestrated during that time)

No victim, no crime! Any form of “regulation” beyond this is an overreaching violation of the innocent and peaceful in search of a boogie man that lives no further than the nearest mirror, whether the alleged violation be “jaywalking,” “failure to wear a seatbelt,” a “broken taillight,” selling loose cigarettes, etc.

“The more laws, the less justice.” – Marcus Cicero
“The more corrupt the State, the more it legislates.” – Tacitus

Police are a State-funded gang of thugs, trained and ordered to harass, extort, rob, kidnap, cage, brutalize and murder the most vulnerable members of society, in an effort to empower and enrich the State, and the military-prison-industrial-complex that controls it!

Decriminalization is Superior to Legalization, in Regards to Ending the Fallacious “War on Drugs”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

U.S. Drug Addiction Rate, 1970-2010 U.S. Drug Control Spending, 1970-2010"

U.S. Drug Addiction Rate, 1970-2010
U.S. Drug Control Spending, 1970-2010″

Why We Should End The Failed War On Drugs (And Legalization Is The Best Alternative):

“It constantly amazes me that defenders of the free market are expected to offer certainty and perfection while government has only to make promises and express good intentions.” This double standard, recognized by Lawrence Reed, is particularly evident with respect to the “war on drugs.” Despite over a trillion dollars spent, the arrest and imprisonment of millions of Americans,  and cities that have been turned into virtual war zones, we are no closer to eliminating the scourge of drug abuse today than when Nixon declared illicit drugs “public enemy number one” and promised to wage “an all-out, global war” “to fight and defeat this enemy.” After 45 years, few would dispute that the “war on drugs” has been an abject failure.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Decriminalization > Legalization

Discussing Food Trucks as the Future of Small Business Ownership

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Food Trucks Are the Future of Small Business Ownership!“…

Rayn: Nice 😉

More Millennials Support Legalizing Food Trucks Than Google Glass and Bitcoin:

Mike R.: Food trucks and other mobile businesses just seem like the next logical thing. Especially when you pair it with apps. Imagine ordering something in advance and the truck comes right to your business and COOKS it right there. Talk about fresh delivery! Plus food trucks were one of my best parts of my time at Rutgers.

Food Trucks Are the Future of Small Business Ownership!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

More Millennials Support Legalizing Food Trucks Than Google Glass and Bitcoin:

You’ll pry food trucks from our cold dead hands.

That’s one of the takeaways from a new Reason-Rupe poll that surveyed 2,000 young adults for their thoughts on politics and government regulations. Among millennials, 81 percent want to legalize food trucks, making them the most popular of the 13 activities and products Reason-Rupe asked about in its polling.

Allowing mobile vendors to work freely topped support for plastic bags (66 percent) and buying incandescent light bulbs (64 percent) as well as new developments in technology like wearing Google Glass in public (66 percent), online gambling (58 percent), and the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (49 percent). As Emily Ekins of the Reason Foundation put it, “millennials don’t like to be nannied, opting for personal choice over regulation.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Nice 😉

Decriminalization of Cannabis is LONG OVERDUE!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared a captioned photo from here

Joseph W.:

What would you think if Marlboro got into the Cannabis business?
Like if you would buy them.
Comment if you would be upset!

Kenneth B.: It’s only a matter of time now…

Brooke N.: Only if they didn’t put additives into it. If it’s legal though I don’t think it should be regulated, I think the market should determine price.

Rayn: Decriminalization trumps legalization! 🙂

Esta B.: Sure why not…