Even Cops Are Saying, “Fuck the Police,” Now!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Minneapolis Police Officer, Chaunte Lee Ford

Minneapolis Police Officer, Chaunte Lee Ford

St. Louis Park Cop Charged With DWI: ‘Fuck the Police! I Hate that I’m a Cop!’:

“F— the police! I f—ing hate cops and I hate that I’m a cop! All you guys do is harass black people!” Those were the alleged words of a St. Louis Park, Minn. police officer as she was being arrested for DWI after hitting a parked car outside of a northeast Minneapolis bar.

, 27, is charged with third-degree DWI, collision with an unattended vehicle, careless driving, and interfering with a peace office for the Aug. 5 incident outside of the NE Palace Bar.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Even cops are saying, “Fuck the Police!”

To Begin on the Path Towards Peace, Recognize One of the Most Basic Tenets of Morality

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “End the Drug War,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don't understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business."

“More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don’t understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business.”

My Commentary: No Victim, No Crime! Please MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS to understand this basic tenet of morality! Otherwise, the “legal” system you are forced to pay for will continue to violate, abuse, kidnap and imprison the innocent and peaceful in the name of “safety,” “the greater good,” and other such empty, meaningless tripe.

Detecting Similarities Between Alcohol and Cannabis Prohibition

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “‘Prohibition’ is Code Word for ‘Government-Formed Cartel’”…

Rayn: “Freedom”

“Prescription for Medicinal Whiskey: During Prohibition, the only legal way to buy or sell alcohol was through a medical prescription”

Steve L.: Medical Marijuana?

“Prohibition” is Code Word for “Government-Formed Cartel”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Students for Libert ,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary

"Prescription for Medicinal Whiskey: During Prohibition, the only legal way to buy or sell alcohol was through a medical prescription"

“Prescription for Medicinal Whiskey: During Prohibition, the only legal way to buy or sell alcohol was through a medical prescription”

My Commentary: “Freedom”

Medically Raped and Tortured Due to Suspicion of DUI

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2014-05-30 - Medically Raped and Tortured Due to Suspicion of DUI

Cops Forcefully Catheterize Man to Obtain Urine Sample for Suspicion of DUI:

A motorist whose blood alcohol level was below the legal limit earlier this month filed a $11 million federal lawsuit against Schererville, Indiana for allowing its police force to use a catheter to forcibly obtain a urine sample from him two years ago.

On May 20, 2012, William D. Clark and Alyssa Madson were driving through Schererville on US 30. At around 11pm, Officer Matthew Djukic hit the lights on his squad car and pulled Clark for allegedly speeding.+

Smelling alcohol, Officer Djukic put Clark through field sobriety tests and had him blow into a portable breathalyzer device. A drug sniffing dog was called in to search inside the vehicle, though Clark gave no consent. Officer Djukic claimed Clark blew a 0.11 on the preliminary breath screener, but no evidence was provided when Clark’s attorney, Patrick B. McEuen, filed a discovery request for records last year. Clark insists the claim was fabricated.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Motorist William D. Clark was pulled over by police for speeding. He was soon given a field sobriety test, as well as a breathalyzer, but the results were apparently (temporarily) inconclusive. So, Mr. Clark was then driven by officers to the hospital, where he voluntarily submitted to a blood test, upon request. When it came back under the legal alcohol limit, police determined that he must also submit to a urine test, as well (though a blood test is, in fact, a much more accurate gauge of blood alcohol levels). Clark agreed, but when he was unable to provide it, even after drinking a cup of water, he asked for a second cup. With this, officers became impatient and held the man down, ordering hospital staff to forcibly catheterize him. Of course, being dutiful little white-gloved slaves, they immediately “followed orders” (like apath scum always do), and unquestioningly seized this man’s genitals and penetrated their medical assault instruments deep into his urethra, accessing his urine in the most excruciatingly painful way, imaginable!

Nope! No cruel and unusual punishment, nor unnecessary use of a medical procedures, here! Not at all! Nothing to see, folks! Move along, now!

And, don’t forget about the time when motorist David Eckert was pulled over by police for engaging a rolling stop on his exit from the Wal-Mart parking lot, where he had just finished shopping. According to the cops, he appeared to clench his buttocks when he was ordered out of his vehicle, so they suspected that he might be smuggling drugs on him. Soon enough, Eckert was brought to medical staff for further examination. The first hospital they went to, located in-county, refused to assist the police, because they found the request unethical. So, they brought him to an out-of-county hospital, completely invalidating their “warrant” (if you can even call something that vague a legitimate one), where medical staff complied with police orders that forcibly x-ray Eckert’s intestines. When no drugs were found, police ordered him digitally probed. Two times, medical staff inserted their fingers into the man’s anus, and explored for drugs, and both times, none were found. Police then ordered Eckert to be force-given an enema, which-upon receiving, was then made to defecate in front of officers and medical staff. When no drugs were found, STILL, he received a second enema, again being made to defecate for the small crowd of sociopathic criminals. Still clean. He was then forced to undergo a second x-raying of his visceral organs. By the time it was midnight, and the half-assed warrant was then expired, Eckert was being prepped and sedated by medical staff for a surgical colonoscopy. Upon completion of the highly invasive procedure, no drugs were found…

David Eckert Appears To Clench His Buttocks; Cops Order Enemas, Colonoscopy, X-Ray For Non-Existent Drugs: