I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
Conversation with Anthony Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, Davos #WEF2022:
My Commentary: Comic-worthy cringe…
Skip to 2m40s…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
Conversation with Anthony Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, Davos #WEF2022:
My Commentary: Comic-worthy cringe…
Skip to 2m40s…
I originally posted the following artwork, information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
People Harmed by Coronavirus Vaccines Will Have Little Recourse:
Drugmakers Shielded from COVID Vaccine Liability But Funds for Injury Claims in Doubt:
The PREP Act and COVID-19: Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures:
New Push Could Block COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Program That Usually Pays Victims:
Big Pharma Co. Gets Immunity from COVID Vaccine Liability: ‘We as a Company Simply Cannot Take the Risk’:
AstraZeneca to be Exempt from Coronavirus Vaccine Liability Claims in Most Countries:
Drug Companies Continue to Shed Liability for Rushed Coronavirus Treatments:
Who’s Responsible for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage? Not the Manufacturers:
COVID-19 Vaccine Makers See EU Shield Against Side-Effect Claims:
UK Government Grants Pfizer Civil Legal Indemnity for COVID-19 Vaccine:
[Canada’s] Trudeau Government Silent on Drug Manufacturer Liability for COVID-19 Vaccines:
Vaccine Suppliers Given Indemnity for ‘Inevitable’ Side Effects:
Who Pays Compensation if a COVID-19 Vaccine has Rare Side-Effects? Here’s the Little We Know About Australia’s New Deal:
Six Died in Pfizer Late-Stage COVID-19 Vaccine Trial:
Coronavirus Vaccine Volunteer in Brazil’s AstraZeneca Trial Dies — But Authorities Say Trial to Continue:
Four Trial Volunteers Who Got Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccin Developed Bell’s Palsy – But FDA Denies that the Temporary Facial Paralysis Was Caused by the Shot:
What is Transverse Myelitis? The Illness that Halted AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial:
Australia Terminates University of Queensland Vaccine Deal with CSL After False Positives for HIV:
Pfizer and Moderna Could Score $32 Billion in COVID-19 Vaccine Sales — in 2021 Alone:
Trust your own immune system. Don’t agree to become a helpless lab rat for Big Pharma.
According to the John Hopkins University COVID-19 trend tracker for the United States, as of December 8th, the overall mortality rate for Americans infected with COVID-19 is 1.88%. This means that the current overall recovery rate for Americans infected with COVID-19 is 98.22%!
The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…
Rayn: The DEA Is Placing Kratom And Mitragynine On Schedule I:
Teddy C.: I think the DEA is doing the pharmaceutical industry’s dirty work because it would lower people’s dependence on prescription drugs and thus affect their bottom line.
Tammy S.: So I’m confused. If the leaf helps people to recover from heroin addiction why make it a Class I? Isn’t this a good thing. The attached article says it’s non-addictive.
Rayn: Government creates law against substance.
Government seizes substance whenever possible.
Government law, and enforcement of it, lead to artificial scarcity.
Government law, enforcement and subsequent artificial scarcity, drive drugs into black market.
Government corners black market, as only entity legally allowed to possess substance.
Government monopoly and control over substance drive prices into sky.
Diana B.: bastards
I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
BREAKING: DEA Proves Loyalty to Big Pharma, Maintains Cannabis Has “No Medicinal Value”:
(Jay Syrmopoulos) The federal government has once again revealed itself as nothing more than puppets to the big pharma industry. On Thursday, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) moved to deny any changes to marijuana under its federal drug schedule, keeping the drug in the most restrictive category for U.S. law enforcement purposes.
For decades the pharmaceutical industry has poured millions into the pockets of corrupt politicians as they lobbied to keep cannabis illegal. As the Free Thought Project reported last month, a new study from the University of Georgia shows exactly why all that money was spent. Legal marijuana destroys big pharma’s profits.
My Commentary: Government: expanding and cornering the black market, since inception!
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “End the Drug War,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
“More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don’t understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business.”
My Commentary: No Victim, No Crime! Please MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS to understand this basic tenet of morality! Otherwise, the “legal” system you are forced to pay for will continue to violate, abuse, kidnap and imprison the innocent and peaceful in the name of “safety,” “the greater good,” and other such empty, meaningless tripe.