Democracy Violates Consent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “An Anarchist Conversation,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“If John told you that you had to obey him or he would violate you, that would be wrong. Even if John claims that because he and his friends are in the majority, you must obey or be punished, that would still be wrong. Even Iif John and his friendsvie to have an institution work on their behalf and that you must obey its dictates or be punished, that would still be wrong. If you understand this basic concept then you understand that government neither has the legitimate or lawful right to violate you just because some people decided to vote for it.”

My Commentary: Your public education camp instructor might have taught you otherwise, but this is not how consent actually works.

Confusing Coercion With Consent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Being Libertarian,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig): I think the success of GoFundMe campaigns for medical expenses shows that we could probably do it on a national level, creating a collective fund for everyone using something called ‘taxes,’ and we can use it to pay for a thing I’ve invented called ‘universal health care.’
It’s called GoFundMe, not GoFundMeOrElse”

My Commentary: GoFundMe is voluntary and consensual. Taxation Is Theft. Grow a soul, oppressor. Your coercion is showing.

Government is the Institutionalization of Bullying, Coercion, and Non-Consensual Relations

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Great Work,” which I originally posted to my own wall in November of 2016, and decidedly re-shared it, while adding a commentary…

“Maybe its time to question a system that allows millions of people to dominate millions of other people with a flick of a pen.” – Carey Wedler

My Commentary: Bullying, coercion, and non-consensual relations are duly considered criminal… UNLESS, of course, these sociopathic behaviors are properly laundered through the machinations of the Great and Almighty State!

Government: Professionally Regulating Peaceful People into Poverty and Prison, While Forcing Payment for Criminal “Service”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Judge Upholds Vegetable Garden Ban in South Florida:

() A Florida circuit court judge upheld a local ordinance Thursday banning front yard vegetable gardens in the Village of Miami Shores.

The ruling is the latest development in a case where local officials forced an otherwise peaceful couple to uproot their garden of 17 years.

The decision is a “blow to property rights,” according to the Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm. The judgment extends throughout the South Florida community.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Government: professionally regulating peaceful people into poverty and prison, while forcing them to pay for the criminal “service”…

Never Forget That, in the End, Every Law is Enforced at Gunpoint, and Under Threat of Abduction and Imprisonment

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntary Virtues Network,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"There should be a draft where every young person has to do one year of something - military, public works - something so that we feel invested in the same game, because that's the part we've lost." - John Stewart ""We should extort money from people and pay men with guns to force people to do arbitrary, and sometimes criminal things, for at least a year. That way, we'd all feel united as slaves." - Translation, by Jeff Berwick

“There should be a draft where every young person has to do one year of something – military, public works – something so that we feel invested in the same game, because that’s the part we’ve lost.” – John Stewart

“We should extort money from people and pay men with guns to force people to do arbitrary, and sometimes criminal things, for at least a year. That way, we’d all feel united as slaves.” – Translation, by Jeff Berwick

My Commentary: Never forget that, in the end, every law is enforced at gunpoint, and under threat of abduction and imprisonment. So, please stop suggesting the use of State violence against peaceful people in your hopelessly naive, pathetically misguided attempt to “help.”

Think volunteer public service is a good idea? Cool! Then, get off your ass, and get to work! Try leading by example, and stop stooping to coercion!