Discussing North Carolina’s So-Called “Bathroom Bill”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Stacie T., after she shared artwork from here

Stacie T.:

"Excuse me! Do you MIND!?!" " Just makin' sure you ain't some kind of PERVERT!"

“Excuse me! Do you MIND!?!”
” Just makin’ sure you ain’t some kind of PERVERT!”

Rayn: LOL. This is what happens when facts take a back seat to emotionally-charged conjecture. Why focus solely on restrooms, which constitute only one quarter of the subject matter at hand, when the bill clearly legislates “restroom[s], locker room[s], changing room[s], or shower room[s]”? Have any of those railing so hard against this bill EVEN READ ITS MERE FIVE PAGES, or is that too much to ask a thinking, reasoning human being to do BEFORE formulating strong opinions, anymore? I still haven’t found even ONE who actually has, yet! *sigh*


Lest our memories remain selectively short for the sake of politically convenient “outrage” and a completely shallow and shortsighted sense of “fighting against discrimination,” this “bill” was a direct response to a Charlotte, NC ordinance which, among other things, contained language that attempted to FORCE schools and public agencies to provide males and females access to ALL FOUR of these facilities, regardless of gender, in the name of “transgender” rights, and that individuals be granted such access with little more than a verbal declaration of being “transgender.”

With this understanding in mind, enforcement of this “bill” is actually pretty simple in three out of four situations. On average, the easiest way to know if a male is in using a locker room, changing room or shower room is that he’ll HAVE A PENIS dangling between his legs! And, a female using a men’s locker room will have a vulva. In other words, regardless of gender titles, or how an Individual looks, it’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY for one to remove their clothes, and have a sex organ that doesn’t correspond with their appearance, nor with the gender-assignment of the bathroom, itself. This is very likely why the mainstream media monopoly is fixating on the bathroom scenario, instead of discussing the entire issue at hand. Not only is it the least enforceable, making it the biggest gray area in the bill, but any discussion of a man or women entering any of the other three spaces would be met with a knee-jerk “I DON’T FUCKING THINK SO” from even the vast majority of the most left-leaning, progressive liberals! This is especially true when taking note of the fact that the first section of this bill is dedicated to SCHOOLS and STUDENTS, along with public agencies!

Meanwhile, this bill actually protects post-operative transsexuals, granting them full access to all four facilities, since they are, indeed legally able to change their gender on their birth certificate in ALL FIFTY STATES of the Union!


To be clear, I’m mostly just laying out the facts, without yet providing my own views. Personally, I think that multi-occupancy bathrooms, alone, are highly unsanitary, very anti-privacy, completely anti-responsibility, anti-safety, anti-parent-and-child, and also typically anti-disability (not too mention anti-menstruation, as well), so I avoid them like the plague. Meanwhile, I have NEVER, and would NEVER, use a multi-occupancy showers, nor would I dare get undressed in a multi-occupancy changing room, nor locker room! And, I hope to see all of these sorts of facilities one day replaced with single-occupancy unisex units – and I honestly believe that ALL of these bills and ordinances will make my desire an actual reality, since it is the simplest solution to all of controversy at hand. 🙂 Even at one of my recent Autistic Self-Advocacy meetings, in Greensboro, NC, ALL THREE transgendered individuals agreed with me on my viewpoint, and when I listed my various grievances in detail, they even chimed in with their own examples, too! Peace and privacy are what we’re ALL looking for, while schools and businesses are looking at their bottom line: prices – without much more than a passing regard for the human factor!

Oh, and for the record, the single-occupancy bathrooms I mention would truly work a lot better if they were segregated by “urination” and “defecation,” rather than gender! LOL! 😉 (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

We Are NOT Powerless!

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke N…

"We are powerful beyond measure"

“We are powerful beyond measure”

Brooke N.An NC Tax Plan That’s an Exercise in Villainy:

Please read the comment and the article. This is NOT about a conspiracy theory. It is about what is happening to North Carolinians in broad daylight. I have friends who involve themselves in all kinds of conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds, the Fed., Kennedy’s Assassination, 9/11. To my mind, some of these theories could be at least partially true, but it doesn’t matter because even if we knew for sure that the CIA or whomever killed Kennedy, there is nothing we can do with that knowledge. We are powerless. If we could do anything it would make no difference in our lives. I find those things to be distractions from what happens where the rubber hits the road. At the state and local level where we KNOW what is happening, it affects us and we CAN do more about it than we can about Obama’s origins or FEMA camps. With that I share a commentary on North Carolina’s new tax legislation.

Amos H.: I’m glad to see that Gene Nichol is still fighting the villains who’ve tried to silence him.

Brooke N.: Sad situation in NC.

George R.: I had the honor of volunteering on Gene’s campaign when he ran for Senate in Colorado. He is a wonderful man. That said, I have always been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” and don’t believe that it is a “regressive tax” at all. But here we are not talking about the “Fair Tax” exactly although both entail a sales tax.

Sharon B.: One sure thing they can expect is a rise in petty theft. Food ad clothing come first and everything else follows.


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker (Artwork posterd located here, on the Facebook page, "Autism Woman's Network")

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Autism Women’s Network“)

Defend Racial Profiling by Police, or Assert the Right of Innocence Until Proven Guilty?

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Police victim, DeShawn Currie

Police victim, DeShawn Currie

Rayn: Black Teen With White Parents Mistaken For Burglar, Assaulted By Cops In His Own Home:

Stacie G.I’m not worried about criminals. I lock my door behind me to keep the police out.

Aspie Portugalwait? they are right…it’s not common 2 white people with black sons…they could not let the house be robbed just with fear of seeming racist. The thing was solved, he was not accused of anything so what is the problem?

Rayn: Aspie Portugal, the cops are wrong. They falsely accused this youth of burglarizing his own house simply because he returned from school, and walked through his unlocked front door. Then, even after the young man explained that the home was, in fact, his residence, the cops just dismissed him as a liar, noting that his brown skin did not match the pale-skinned pictures on the wall. Police then PEPPER-SPRAYED THE YOUNG MAN IN THE FACE – all for the non-crime of entering his home! As the story reveals, the youth was not even close to afforded the right of innocence until proven guilty, and no legitimate investigation was taken on by police before they eagerly deployed tax-funded State violence as the solution to this non-situation.

Basically, this young man was racially profiled by neighbors, then by the police, all while falsely accused of criminal activity, only to be assaulted by State agents with chemical weaponry… AND, HE WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT!

You call that “solved”? And, you claim that the youth was “not accused of anything”? These statements are completely inaccurate. Please re-read the story above more carefully if you want to understand, “what is the problem?”

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Greensboro, North Carolina Police Violate and Kidnap Young Man for Victimless “Crime” of Walking Down Sidewalk-Free Street

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Greensboro, NC Police Arrest Rufus Scales for Victimless “Crime” of Walking Down Sidewalk-Free Street:

My Commentary: Cowardly costumed criminals operating under color of law in the city of Greensboro, NC, harass, molest, kidnap and imprison a peaceful young man in BROAD DAYLIGHT for the victimless “crime” of walking down one of the many sidewalk-less streets of our community. According to the article below, the State racket against this victim has only just begun, as he and his brother are now facing criminal charges, ensuring that, at the very least, they will be forced to pay some heavy extortion fees demanded by the city court for their imaginary “crimes.”

Many of us in this country have already been LIVING under the personal cloud of Martial Law EVERY SINGLE DAY! And, until those who haven’t are able to TRULY FEEL what it’s like to be automatically guilty in the eyes of the State, and to be subject to systematic, institutional abuse for it, they will NEVER be a part of any long-term solutions, as they can’t even grasp the root of the problem!

Greensboro Group Wants Citizen’s Police Review Board:

Pondering Possible Connection Between Recent, Cure-Free Mosquito-Transmitted Virus and GMO Mosquitoes Released Within Same Area in 2012

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared information from here

Meed M.: Y’all think I’m playing. Saturday, I said one state. Now, it’s Four states.

"Cureless mosquito-transmitted virus spreads to N.C."

“Cureless mosquito-transmitted virus spreads to N.C.”

Rayn: Flashback, December 2012:

Florida Scientists Prepare to Release Hundreds of Thousands of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes:

I wonder if there’s a connection between these two events…

Meed M.: What?!?!?

Andre F.: Com’on Man!!

Meed M.: Sheesh

Tara W.: Wow

Meed M.: Dana K… did you see this?