Never Trust the Police, and Always Presume the Innocence of Those They Target, Until Proven Otherwise

I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…

Keith Lamont Scott

Keith Lamont Scott was shot to death by police in Charlotte, NC, under suspicious circumstances

Raw Footage: Police Murder Keith Lamont Scott:

My Commentary: Don’t be such a conspiracy theorist nut-job! Police have NEVER planted a gun on a suspect after murdering him… Oh, wait a minute…

DNA Evidence Indicates St. Louis Officer Accused of Planting Gun on Man He Shot, Incident Took Place Shortly After Cop Captured on Video Stating “Going to Kill This Motherfucker – Don’t You Know It”:

Well, that’s just an isolated incident, though. Generally, police are trustworthy public servants… Oh, wait a minute…

Retired Officer Admission: “Many, if Not Most [Veteran Officers], Carried ‘Throw-Away Weapons’ to Plant on Shooting Victims:

Okay, fine… But, that’s just one police department in Virginia. North Carolina has a good track record of serving and protecting their citizens… Oh, wait a minute…

Charlotte, NC Officer Testifies in His Manslaughter Trial to Murdering Jonathan Ferrell, an Unarmed Car Accident Victim Who Had Knocked on Woman’s Door For Help, Because ‘He Kept Trying to Get My Gun’:

Belief That Police Are “Public Servants,” Keeping “Law and Order” Indicates a Severe, Almost-Completely-Irreversible Case of Stockholm Syndrome

I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief, Kerr Putney

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief, Kerr Putney

Charlotte Police Chief Will Not Release Bodycam Video of Keith Scott Shooting Because of State Law (That Doesn’t Even Go Into Effect Until Oct. 1):

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney is refusing to release the bodycam video footage of the death of Keith Scott.

The announcement came just moments after Mayor Jennifer Roberts promised that there would be transparency in the case.

Putney claimed that he could not release the video footage because of a state law that requires a court order for such video to be released.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: If you still believe these are “public servants,” keeping “law and order,” you have a severe, almost-completely-irreversible case of Stockholm Syndrome! Keep licking those boots, and eating that dust, my friend!

For those who still have a moral compass left in all of this madness, please take that final, courageous step towards the peace and justice of true freedom, and Vacate The State! “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery”! Your soul will thank you, and love you back, when you no longer have to justify the things that offend it, most.

State Enforces Immoral “Laws” to Promote Poverty, Corner Black Market, and Consolidate Power

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington, North Carolina

Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington, North Carolina

510 Pound Marijuana Bust in North Carolina Mansion:

Two men have been arrested for turning a North Carolina country club mansion into a massive marijuana farm.

Hong and Haih Nguyen rented a large Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington where WFMY reported they operated seven grow rooms containing more than 500 pounds of pot when cops stormed in Monday evening.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Thieving pigs enforce immoral “laws” to promote poverty, corner the black market for the State, and consolidate more power into the hands of the government officials at the expense of peaceful individuals.

Discussing Government Efforts to Criminalize Homelessness

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post ,”But, Without Government, Who Would Criminalize Homelessness?“…

Rayn: No victim, no crime, slimeball!

“Concord City Ordinance 50-10: No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period. Violation: Class III Misdemeanor”

“Concord City Ordinance 50-10:
No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period.
Violation: Class III Misdemeanor”

Adam L.: A clear targeting of homeless folks.

But, Without Government, Who Would Criminalize Homelessness?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “A Wolf in a Sheeple’s World,” and originally posted it to my own wall…

"Concord City Ordinance 50-10: No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period. Violation: Class III Misdemeanor"

“Concord City Ordinance 50-10:
No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period.
Violation: Class III Misdemeanor”

My Commentary: No victim, no crime, slimeball!