I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Portion of “False, Misleading, Clickbait-y and Satirical ‘news’ sources” list, compiled by Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College in Massachusetts
Want to Keep Fake News Out of Your Newsfeed? College Professor Creates List of Sites to Avoid:
(Jessica Roy) During the election, many people fell prey to fake news stories on social media — even the president-elect ended up retweeting fake statistics. A professor of communication has created a list of unreliable news sites to help people do better.
Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, put together a publicly available Google doc cataloging “False, misleading, clickbait-y and satirical ‘news’ sources.” It’s been making the rounds on social media as people seek to cleanse their newsfeeds of misinformation.
(Read entire article here…)
My Commentary: The Mainstream Media Monopoly has continuously, fraudulently pushed the government’s pro-war narrative, while systematically covering up the harsher realities of these conflicts they promote, for decades, now! (I will provide many examples of this, below…)
But, apparently, the public is supposed to be so very clueless about these puppets and shills as to surrender any semblance of critical thinking and personal responsibility, and accept whatever they and their “experts” label as “fake news.” Ha! This is really just more proof that independent news sources are WINNING the battle for truth, and that the mainstream media is not only losing more credibility than ever, but also getting extremely desperate in their efforts to keep their disinfo-wars and psy-ops against the public raging! This is no surprise, though!
Gallup Poll Finds American Trust in Corporate Media at All-Time Low (Sept. 2014):
Meanwhile, as the L.A. Times ironically shares their article under the misleading, “click-bait-y” headline, “fake news,” and provides little to no evidence of either of these claims, while also inaccurately headlining the list’s author a “college professor,” all in a display of very poor journalism, Melissa Zimdars, who is actually an *assistant* professor of communication at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, and created this google list of sites, originally labelled it, “False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical ‘News’ Sources.”
And, within her list, Zimdars originally admitted, “not all of these sources are always or inherently problematic, neither are all of them fake or false… They should be considered in conjunction with other news/info sources due to their tendency to rely on clickbait headlines or Facebook descriptions, etc.” She has since amended her words to the much more simple and clear statement, “not all of the sources listed below should be considered fake.”
She also wrote, “some sources not yet included in this list (although their practices at times may qualify them for addition), such as The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and Fox News, vacillate between providing important, legitimate, problematic, and/or hyperbolic news coverage, requiring readers and viewers to verify and contextualize information with other sources.” Go figure!
In Zimdars’ “update 3,” she wrote, “some people are asking which news sources I trust, and all I can say is that I read/watch/listen very widely, from mainstream, corporate owned sources (The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes) as well as The Atlantic, National Public Radio, and various local and alternative sources with different political perspectives, some of which are included on this list.” So, it seems that she not only uses her list merely in a skeptical capacity, to more carefully scrutinizes those articles that come from sources she lists, but that she apparently trusts some of the sources that I’m about to list, with evidence, as being unreliable when reporting about WAR – and, sometimes, even when reporting on police criminality, government spying, whistle-blowers, and even elections, too)!
Now, for the proof of my previous indictments against the mainstream media monopoly. Here’s some important information about the American government’s cozy relationship them: (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post) →