Pondering Possible Connection Between Recent, Cure-Free Mosquito-Transmitted Virus and GMO Mosquitoes Released Within Same Area in 2012

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared information from here

Meed M.: Y’all think I’m playing. Saturday, I said one state. Now, it’s Four states.

"Cureless mosquito-transmitted virus spreads to N.C."

“Cureless mosquito-transmitted virus spreads to N.C.”

Rayn: Flashback, December 2012:

Florida Scientists Prepare to Release Hundreds of Thousands of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes:

I wonder if there’s a connection between these two events…

Meed M.: What?!?!?

Andre F.: Com’on Man!!

Meed M.: Sheesh

Tara W.: Wow

Meed M.: Dana K… did you see this?