Statism: A Highly-Illogical, Contradictory, Violent and Coercive Cult of Injustice

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Government Does Not Exist,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I don't think we should steal. Stealing is wrong. You fuckin' suck!!!!!! Who will build the roads!?!?!?"

“I don’t think we should steal. Stealing is wrong.
You fuckin’ suck!!!!!! Who will build the roads!?!?!?”

My Commentary: Statism: a highly-illogical, contradictory, violent and coercive cult of injustice meant to disrupt the moral compass of even the most well-intentioned victim…

Financial Terrorists Hold Entire Economy Hostage

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"HSBC Settlement"

“HSBC Settlement”

“Too Big To Jail” — US Refuses To Charge HSBC Because It Could Hurt The Financial System:

(Claire Bernish) As it turns out, the rumors were true — HSBC escaped prosecution for money laundering because the behemoth bank was “too big to jail.”

A U.S. Congressional report, entitled “Too Big to Jail: Inside the Obama Justice Department’s Decision Not to Hold Wall Street Accountable,” found officials in the U.K. applied the economic threat cum warning of “market turmoil” to ensure HSBC wouldn’t be subject to prosecution for rather serious allegations.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Financial terrorists hold entire economy hostage…

Taxation is Theft

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Campaign for Liberty“…




Morgan S.: beats the hell out of me.

Rayn: 🙂

Morgan: i dont know if it is all one word or what the thing is. is something I have never heard of .

David L.: Taxation is theft?

Morgan S.: maybe? who really knows. right? I mean it could be a Latin word for a thing? but giving that it is shared from a campaign for liberty page. you are probably right but it is not a true statement because how would a nation exist with out taxes.? communism? with out a some form of governing body, you would have a lawless society that sadly most of our great grand parents and us would not be alive.they would have likely been killed by a bad person.

David L.: I agree that taxes are needed, its how the tax money is used afterward that is the conundrum.

Rayn: You’ve guessed correctly, David. And, the statement is absolutely true, Morgan. The existence of a “nation” doesn’t supersede the existence of the Individuals within it. Meanwhile, individuals cannot simply relegate rights which they don’t have, themselves, to others, no matter how much they imagine that such activity would somehow eliminate the lack of morality inherent to the unjust acts they seek to commit, by proxy – nor will it relinquish them of personal responsibility for the acts now being committed in their name. Since you and I have no right to take money from others without their consent, neither does the State! It wouldn’t matter if we tossed out the claim that it was for the “greater good,” or if we used some of the stolen money to buy our victim a service he also didn’t consent to, as we pocketed some for ourselves as payment for arranging said service. It would be a criminal act, regardless. It’s probably disappointing to hear this, if you’re a member of the Statist cult, but… yeah… true morality is universal, like that.

Rayn: To that, David, I quote William Pitt: “Necessity is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

When Working to Expose the Fallacies of Statism, Sharing is Caring!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a graphic being shared by the page, “The Abolitionist Movement“…


"Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false 'authority' that doesn't exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR)."

“Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false ‘authority’ that doesn’t exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR).”

Jordan K.: I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I shared.

Rayn: Skillz! “Sharing is caring.” 🙂

Committing Theft Under Color of Law

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “I Fucking Hate Government,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"An inconvenient truth

“An inconvenient truth: in 2014, all the criminals in the U.S. stole a total of $3.9 billion from citizens… and police stole $4.5 billion from citizens through civil asset forfeiture – $600 million more than all the criminals combined.”

My Commentary: But, without government, who would commit theft, under color of law?