Discussing Legitimate Relief Fund Organizations to Donate to in the Wake of Hurricane Matthew’s Devastation to Haiti

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Damion S., after he tagged me in a photo he shared…

Damion S.:

(tagged) Emily C., She R., Erika M., Yvonne D., Neil D., Erika A., Dawn B., Josh P., Jen L., Jahfreesme L., Rayn, Randy M., David M., Marina M., Efrain A., Samir S., and Trevor S.

(tagged) Emily C., She R., Erika M., Yvonne D., Neil D., Erika A., Dawn B., Josh P., Jen L., Jahfreesme L., Rayn, Randy M., David M., Marina M., Efrain A., Samir S., and Trevor S.

Emily C.: What can I do to help Damion?

Damion S.: I would pray first. But look for an American Red cross. Or maybe Samaritan’s purse. I’m going to donate blood this week. Maybe tomorrow.

Charlie C.: No red cross.

RaynRed Cross Built Exactly 6 Homes For Haiti With Nearly Half A Billion Dollars In Donations:

Damion S.: No Red Cross. Thanks, Guys.

Emily C.: This might help…Lists via French François, via a group of elders who put it together….Haitian-led orgs you can contribute to directly for relief efforts:
Konbit Mizik, Haiti Communitere, ACFFC, Sakala Haiti, SOIL, Fondation Aquin Solidarité , Volontariat pour le Développement d’Haïti, Lambi Fund, MADRE, Sowaseed, Konbit Solèy Leve, Sakala
Non-Haitian Orgs with proven track records in Haiti:
Doctors without Borders, Roots of Development, Partners in Health, Border of Lights, Nova Hope for Haiti

“Feel the Bern” of Being Sold-Out by a Professional Liar and Political Parasite!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Democratic ex-presidential-candidate, Bernie Sanders, will now be campaigning for Hillary Clinton to win the election

Democratic ex-presidential-candidate, Bernie Sanders, will now be campaigning for Hillary Clinton to win the election

Rayn: Feel the Bern!

Sanders Returning to Campaign Trail for Clinton:

Diana D.: Fake ass politicians

Rayn: Exactly. Professional liars, political parasites.

Financial Terrorists Hold Entire Economy Hostage

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"HSBC Settlement"

“HSBC Settlement”

“Too Big To Jail” — US Refuses To Charge HSBC Because It Could Hurt The Financial System:

(Claire Bernish) As it turns out, the rumors were true — HSBC escaped prosecution for money laundering because the behemoth bank was “too big to jail.”

A U.S. Congressional report, entitled “Too Big to Jail: Inside the Obama Justice Department’s Decision Not to Hold Wall Street Accountable,” found officials in the U.K. applied the economic threat cum warning of “market turmoil” to ensure HSBC wouldn’t be subject to prosecution for rather serious allegations.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Financial terrorists hold entire economy hostage…

Bernie Sanders, the Professionally-Lying Sell-Out

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Seeds of Liberty Podcast,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"We're going to get the money out of politics and stop the establishment. LMAO! I can't believe they fell for that shit."

“We’re going to get the money out of politics and stop the establishment.
LMAO! I can’t believe they fell for that shit.”

My Commentary: LOLZ

Discussing Obama’s Failure to Shut Down Guantanamo Bay

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “A Nation, Ruled by Criminals“…

Rayn: And, don’t forget that both Obama and Bush authorized war crimes and crimes against humanity!

“I’m still waiting for Obama to shut Guantanamo or return his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize”

Brian J.: The problem is that nobody seems to want those prisoners from Guantanamo.