Contributing to the ‘Great Work’ of Government

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Battle Over Air Force’s $1,300 Coffee Cups Heats Up:

() The Air Force, under fire for throwing down $1,280 apiece to replace in-flight reheating cups after their handles break, is pledging to use 3-D printing to get that replacement cost down to 50 cents.

But Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is still wondering why these pricey water heaters are necessary in the first place, and plans to keep pushing the Air Force to find cheaper waysto warm up their coffee.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: When tax time arrives, consider making a modest donation to the IRS. Every petro-dollar counts! The “Great Work” of our wise and noble elect never ends, and it ain’t cheap!

Taxes Are the Price We Pay for the Legalization of Theft

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Form 1040”

IRS Losing Money on Targeting Debts of Low-Income Earners:

(Roey Hadar) The IRS spent $20 million on private debt collectors who ultimately collected just $6.7 million, according to a report from the Taxpayer Advocate, the agency’s in-house watchdog.

The report deems the Internal Revenue Service’s work with private debt collection to be one of the agency’s most serious problems because the debts assigned to private collectors largely targeted lower-income earners who owe federal taxes.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Taxes are the price we pay for the legalization of theft…

The corrupt institution known as the “IRS” spent $20 million in our tax dollars to hire private collection agencies to help claim “debts” owed to them, as ordered by Congress. Of course, this disproportionately effected low-income and below-poverty-level “earners,” just as the IRS predicted before implementing the legislature’s grand scheme. And, in the end, not only did the IRS only collect just a mere $6.7 million in debt, but they obviously breached the security of every single American “tax payer,” in the process, as the robo-call tax phone scams began shortly after this whole circus act started.

America’s Deadliest School Attack Was Actually “Tax Protest” Terrorism

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Bath Consolidated School, shortly after being bombed on May 18, 1927

The Deadliest School Attack in the US Was Erased from History Because It Wasn’t Done With a Gun:

(Matt Agorist) As the media and the government continue to use the tragic shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school to push their various agendas, it is important to remember that psychopaths who want to kill a lot of people—will do so with or without a gun. In fact, the deadliest attack on a school to ever take place on US soil was done so without a single round being fired.

In Bath Township, Michigan, 44 people, mostly children, lost their lives when a man by the name of Andrew Kehoe blew up the town’s school. This attack is often disregarded by history as it paints a different narrative outside of the normal problem, reaction, solution of grabbing guns. As a result, it has largely been erased from the narrative.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: First time I’ve ever heard of this… Sad…

Morally Defensible Reasons Not to Pay Taxes in America

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “I Don’t Trust the Government,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Stockhold Syndrome: a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. Nathaniel Friedman (@freedarko): There is no morally defensible reason to not want to pay taxes and I’d even say if you don’t like taxes you’re immoral and maybe evil”

My Commentary: War on Drugs. Police brutality. Victimless “crimes.” War on Terror. Drone-bombing innocents. Wars of aggression. Empire-expanding imperialism. Overthrowing sovereign nations. These are just a few reasons to rightfully Withdraw Consent from a corrupt government (although this is precisely when one first discover their inability to legitimately opt out of even a portion of this State-Sponsored crime-spree, illuminating the fact that taxation is just a clever form of THEFT)…

Most Philadelphians Evade Illegitimate Soda Tax

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Drink Taxes Damage the Economy and Do Nothing to Cut Sugar Intake:

(Susan Neely) The start of the new year means new resolutions for millions of Americans. These include resolutions to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, and save money. In Philadelphia, local leaders set their own goals last January to curb obesity and raise revenue through a new tax on non-alcoholic beverages. But like so many New Year’s resolutions, the Philadelphia beverage tax fell short of the promises local officials made to consumers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Whoa! Turns out that most Philadelphians are tax-evading criminals, who prefer to “steal” from the “public,” rather than pay their “fair share”! LOL!