Financial Terrorists Hold Entire Economy Hostage

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"HSBC Settlement"

“HSBC Settlement”

“Too Big To Jail” — US Refuses To Charge HSBC Because It Could Hurt The Financial System:

(Claire Bernish) As it turns out, the rumors were true — HSBC escaped prosecution for money laundering because the behemoth bank was “too big to jail.”

A U.S. Congressional report, entitled “Too Big to Jail: Inside the Obama Justice Department’s Decision Not to Hold Wall Street Accountable,” found officials in the U.K. applied the economic threat cum warning of “market turmoil” to ensure HSBC wouldn’t be subject to prosecution for rather serious allegations.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Financial terrorists hold entire economy hostage…

That Face You Make When Rickon Doesn’t Zig-Zag

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to the wall of my friend, Greg C., along with commentary…

Rayn: 😉 Ha!

That face you make when Rickon doesn't zig-zag

That face you make when Rickon doesn’t zig-zag

Greg C.: She obviously is like “If this Bolton keeps running his mouth I’m going to cock my mini crossbow that’s up my sleeve and stick a dart through his eye myself”

Greg C.: Her name is Bella in real life and the producers said she had never done any tv or movies but that she did her performance as amazingly perfect in 2 takes. Hail, Lady Mormont.

Discussing Saartjie Baartman

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Who Was Saartjie Baartman?“…

Saartjie Baartman

Rayn: ♫ “The more you know…” ♫

The Life and Death of Saartjie Baartman:

Rayn: The More You Know:

Last Prince: Lol…

Eartha M.: Yup!

Jason L.: Unbelievable

Who Was Saartjie Baartman?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Saartjie Baartman

Saartjie Baartman

The Life and Death of Saartjie Baartman:

The body of Saartjie Baartman, better known as the Hottentot Venus, has had greater influence on the iconography of the female body in European art and visual culture than any other African woman of the colonial era. Saartjie, a South African showgirl in the early 19th century, was a small, beautiful woman, with an irresistible bottom. Of a build unremarkable in an African context, to some western European eyes she was extraordinary. Today, she is celebrated as bootylicious.

Saartjie was not only the African woman most frequently represented in racially marked British and French visual culture, she also had less immediately visible influences on western art. In an age when art and science were commonly regarded as bedfellows, her image appeared in a proliferation of media, from popular to high culture. Saartjie was depicted in scientific and anatomical drawings, in playbills and aquatint posters, in cartoons, paintings and sculpture. Both during her life and after her death, caricaturists Thomas Rowlandson and George Cruikshank made her the subject of works typifying London life and the Napoleonic era. Saartjie’s body cast was one of the inspirations for Matisse’s revolutionary restructuring of the female body in The Blue Nude (1907), prompted by African sculpture and conceived, as Hugh Honour argues, “as an ‘African’ Venus: that her skin is not black is hardly of significance in view of his attitude to colour”.

Who was Saartjie Baartman? Not a question anyone will ask in South Africa, where she is a national icon; nor in America, where her life, legend and relevance are well understood. Yet in Britain, where she came to fame and had such an influence, she is less well remembered. Rumoured to be a slave brought to England against her will, Saartjie was an orphaned Khoisan maidservant born in 1789 on the eastern frontier of the Cape Colony. She was 21 years old when she was smuggled from Cape Town to London. Her employer, a free black man named Hendrik Cesars, was manservant to a British Army medical officer named Alexander Dunlop. Dunlop persuaded Cesars that Saartjie had lucrative potential as entertainment and a scientific curiosity in England, which had a thriving stage trade in human and scientific curiosities. A woman from the so-called “Hottentot tribe”, who, legend held, had amazing buttocks and strangely elongated labia, might provide an exceptional draw. Saartjie was persuaded: Dunlop, she said, had “promised to send her back rich”.

(Read entire book review here…)

My Commentary: ♫ “The more you know…” ♫