Beta Boy Recorded Kicking Woman for Publicly Voicing Her Anti-Abortion Position

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Naked Aggression, Exposed: Man Kicks Woman for Publicly Voicing Her Anti-Abortion Position:

My Commentary: I don’t find myself on the street, arguing with strangers, but I would have neutered this beta boy before his leg ever returned to the ground. His testicles are obviously just ornamental, anyway…

In America, “Law and Order” Looks Exactly Like Torture

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Mississippi Officer Terminated for Excessive Force:

My Commentary: Wow…”Law and order” sure looks a whole lot like “torture.” Ironically, if this man were a convicted criminal in prison, secured in handcuffs, this would easily be deemed “cruel and unusual punishment” in most States…

Police Are Domestic Terrorists, Even in Their Own Homes

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Corrupt Frisco Texas Cops,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“When you didn’t get enough domestic violence as a child, so you marry into it.”

My CommentaryPolice Domestic Violence Nearly Twice Average Rate:

Most Laws Represent the Violent Enforcement of Personal Preferences

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


There Ought Not Be a Law:

() Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wants limits on virtual currencies, like Bitcoin, that help people keep their financial lives private from folks like him. Senator Dianne Feinstein wants government regulation of political speech by foreign agents—or maybe just by people with whom she disagrees. Gun control activists want more restrictions with which to threaten peaceful gun owners so that violent predators who break laws will have more things to ignore.

If ever there was a “there oughta be a law moment,” we’re living in it. At least, we’re living in one of all too many such moments. Because people are forever looking to the law as the solution to the ills they perceive in the world around them—often only to spackle over the failures of the previous round of laws. In the process, they’re forever forgetting that laws are usually nothing more than codified prejudices, imposed against resistant populations, by sometimes incompetent and often corrupt enforcers.

(Read entire article here…)

My CommentaryNo Victim, No Crime, control freaks…

Vote-begging the State to violently enforce your personal preferences upon the peaceful? You might just be a Statist!

Quality of Public School Education on Full Display as Student Gun Protest Turns Violent

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Students’ Gun Protest Turns Violent:

At least five students were arrested Friday as hundreds of others from several Stockton, California high schools walked out of classes in protest of gun violence.

Students at Stagg, Edison, Chavez, Lincoln and Village Oak high schools were walking along streets, and Stockton police said some students threw rocks and damaged both police and citizen vehicles.

Five arrests were made, including charges of battery on an officer, resisting arrest, taking an officer’s baton and vandalizing vehicles, including patrol vehicles, Stockton police said.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Public school students involved in recent gun protest engage in violence against police and commit destruction of private property? You don’t say?