Institutionalizing the Criminalization of the Innocent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Forced to carry clear backpacks and wear student IDs
BACKFIRE: Broward County Implements ‘Solution’ for School Violence and Students Are Not Happy
Christopher Long: That moment when you campaign for weeks for the govenment to infringe upon other people’s rights to make you feel safe – and they infringe upon your rights instead.”

My Commentary: Criminalizing the innocent remains the State’s number one go-to “solution” for all of life’s complex problems. The Accuser is working overtime!

“The People” Simply Cannot Delegate to the Government Rights Which They Do Not Have

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Government is Magic:

My Commentary: If government derives its power from “the people,” then they can only do those things which “the people” have the right to do… “The people” cannot delegate to the government rights which they do not have. This is bullet-proof logic, and yet, for the Statist, it simply does not compute, because they cannot accept the cold, hard truth that NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO STEAL, OR INITIATE VIOLENCE against others…

“Understand then all of you, especially the young, that to want to impose an imaginary state of government on others by violence is not only a vulgar superstition, but even a criminal work. Understand that this work, far from assuring the well-being of humanity is only a lie, a more or less unconscious hypocrisy, camouflaging the lowest passions we possess.”
– Leo Tolstoy, “The Law of Love and the Law of Violence” (1908)

In America, All Police Officers Enforce Victimless Crimes, Making Them Guilty of Initiating Aggression Against Peaceful Individuals

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Vacate the Military”…


"This tree did more for freedom than all of the troops combined"

“This tree did more for freedom than all of the troops combined”

Murilo M.: Maybe the drivers were honest peace officers who had never committed any abuse. Not all peace officers are abusive and corrupt. I think sometimes people are too hard on the police.

Rayn: Impossible. We don’t have “peace officers” in America. We have “law enforcement officers.” There’s a BIG difference!

Peace Officer Versus Police Officer

Peace Officer Versus Police Officer

Murilo M.: Well, here in Brazil the police is also one of the worst institutions we have, but not all peace officers are bad, some are just trying to do their job well and earn their living to feed their families.

Rayn: There is no such thing as an “honest” law enforcement officer in America. That’s a contradiction in terms. Law enforcement officers are paid mercenaries who follow the orders of their political overlords, collect revenue for the State, and enforce arbitrary edicts upon your fellow INNOCENT and the PEACEFUL human beings, including through use of brutality, abduction and imprisonment!

Understand REALITY: No Victim, No Crime! And, so long as police enforce VICTIMLESS NON-CRIMES such as “possession of cannabis,” “jaywalking,” “broken tail light,” and a host of other oppressive and abusive laws, they are INITIATING AGGRESSION UPON, and hence, VIOLATING THE RIGHTS OF, INNOCENT PEOPLE. It is LITERALLY THEIR JOB TO DO SO!

I think that society has been too easy on the police for far too long. Indeed, the average American is a full-blown, BOOT-LICKING COP-SUCKER. Yet, police have continued to abuse the public, while being almost completely shielded from prosecution by the States that employ these career criminals! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Cleverly Repackaging Eugenics as a Personal “Right”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Memes,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"That look on your face when Planned Parenthood tweets '#BlackLivesMatter'"

“That look on your face when Planned Parenthood tweets ‘#BlackLivesMatter'”

My Commentary: Cleverly repackaging eugenics as a “right.”

Licenses Are Merely Government Permission Slips for Rights We Already Have!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “The Liberty Principle: No Consent from the Governed“…


"A license is what you get when the government steals your rights away from you and then sells them back." - Mark Edge, Host of 'Free Talk Live'

“A license is what you get when the government steals your rights away from you and then sells them back.” – Mark Edge, Host of ‘Free Talk Live’

Daniel F.: So should one have an unqualified right to operate a motor vehicle despite not knowing how to operate it safely, or having shown a complete disregard for the safety of others while driving it? Should one have the “right” to endanger the safety of others, either through ignorance or complete disregard?

Now there IS way too much bureaucracy in all this – fees for renewing one’s license and registration, overzealous police patrolling the streets looking out for traffic and parking violations so they can issue summonses mainly for the purposes of bringing in revenue – while “fixing” tickets for their own friends and relatives. Meanwhile a fine that can cause significant financial hardship for a poor person will barely be of any inconvenience at all to a rich person despite both committing the same “offense”, which may or may not have any actual justifiable reason for existing at all. (Speed limits for instance – it should not be an offense simply to drive above some arbitrary preset limit; only if they are actually endangering others should there be cause for any sort of action against them.)

Rayn: LOLZ! A license is merely a highly overpriced government permission slip for the right to freely travel. It provides ZERO GUARANTEE that one actually has the ability to safely drive a car, nor that one will continue to maintain the ability to safely drive a car, and it certainly isn’t an indication that one will actually regard the safety of others when driving! You might not have noticed, but the vast majority of accidents that take place in America result from the actions and activity of “licensed” drivers! So, obviously, a “license” means almost nothing, in the scheme of “safety.”

Alternatively, plenty of individuals do have the ability to safely drive a car, while having no valid driver’s “license” to speak of. This is especially true when considering the fact that the government revokes and suspends the driver licenses of so many, year after year, as punishment for non-driver safety offenses – such as non-payment of “tickets,” non-payment of court fees, drug convictions, etc… Also, the mere act of letting a valid driver’s license “expire” (which is simply a euphemism for failure to REPAY for a license that was already adequately secured) will result in the revocation of a driver license, as well! (Interesting enough, such a situation makes a driver’s license an indirect tool of abuse against low-income individuals).

And, speaking of indirect State abuses that come with our current state of affairs, a “driver’s license” (and a “non-driver license” for that matter), are major tools of oppression in the arsenal of the police state, giving courts the ability to strip away the right to freely travel for non-driving related, victimless “crimes,” and giving cops the pretext to harass and warrantlessly search any person walking down the street. The latter especially true for individuals of color, and for the disabled – who are the most likely to be on the receiving end of such State activity.

As for your question, “should one have the ‘right’ to endanger the safety of others, either through ignorance or complete disregard,” the answer is “no.” We have a right to live, to self-ownership, and to peaceful co-existence. No one has the “right” to initiate harm against others, no matter the so-called “motivation.” But, this all has very little to do with a driver’s license, and everything to do with Individual action, ability, and responsibility.

One thing we can agree upon is the unnecessary bureaucracy involved, and the many abuses that come with it. Also, speed limits are also highly problematic, and indicative that the the rules of the road are about the State’s USUAL AGENDA: COMPLIANCE WITH AUTHORITY, and REVENUE COLLECTION – rather than “SAFETY”… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)