The Basic Components of the Average Statist Personality

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Pholosopher,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“He moniters my money and takes out a part of my check since we live together. He spends much of it on himself but, sometimes, he buys me things, too. He’s just trying to take care of me.
He has lots of rules for me, even when I’m at home. He expects me to act a certain way or he will get physical with me even locking me in a room away from my friends and family while taking more of my money. He says he knows what’s best though and I feel like I don’t have much of a choice.
I know, it’s a lot to just take, but it’s for my protection! If I am assaulted by someone else he will get revenge and justice, hopefully. I mean, I’m not sure about much of what he does when he goes out, yeah, but at least he uses a little bit of what he takes for important things, I think! As long as I pay what he says I should and don’t cause too much trouble, I won’t end up poor and homeless.
I am concerned that he harasses kids and is often racist and violent. Sometimes, he really seems to hate homeless and poor people too, stealing blankets from them, threatening others if they feed the homeless without a permit… but he’s just trying to look out for everyone.
Come to think of it, I think he may be spying on me… reading my messages, tracking where I go and what sites I visit… but it’s for my safety, I guess.
He often shames me and threatens me when I speak up about my rights as a human being. In fact, sometimes he will ask his friends what should be done, then override what I want based on what his friends want instead. It’s just because they know what is best too, I guess.
All this pressure has made me feel anxiety. I am thinking about using cannabis for relief, but he is afraid it’s a ‘gateway drug,’ so he says I should take prescription drugs instead. I’ll get in HUGE trouble if he catches me with it, even if I’m not smoking it. I swear, it’s because he loves me! He doesn’t want me to be unhealthy!
Well, he used to be worse. He didn’t think women or minorities should have any say years ago! He’s changing. Slowly, but changing, in some ways. Besides, he’s not as bas as some others we know. I should be GRATEFUL!
“Dear reader, are you worried about this situation? Now, replace ‘he’ with ‘the State.’ And you will fully understand the evil that is government.” – The Pholosopher

My Commentary: The average Statist personality is made up of three parts Battered Serf Syndrome, two parts Stockholm Syndrome, one part worker bee, and one part jellyfish…

“Border Control” and “Gun Control” Crowd Share Same Flawed, Authoritarian Logic

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Two Statist Peas in a Pod:

(Larken Rose) It’s amazing how much the “closed border” crowd has in common with the “gun control” crowd, in how they think, in how they feel, and in how they talk.

(Read entire article here)

My Commentary: Peel away the outer layers of the “arguments” being used to promote “closed borders” and “gun control” to discover the same exact violent ideology underlying them both.

Statist Zombification of Non-Sequitur Logical Fallacy

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book:

(Donald J. Boudreaux) In his brilliant 1956 collection, Minority Report, H.L. Mencken stated:

If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.  If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.  If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.  If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.  If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.  It is an old, old argument.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The non sequitur fallacy is the Statist’s best friend.

[I said it before, and I’ll say it again]

*The Non-Sequitur Logical Fallacy is the Statist’s Best Friend (Oct.2016):

Horizontal Enforcement, for the Win!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Anarchists of Pakistan,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“In recognition of your tireless efforts to defend those who subjugate and exploit you, and your ongoing devotion to fabricating excuses and justificatgions for both your own enslavement and the enslavement of your fellow man, you, _____________ are hereby awarded this Stockholm Syndrome Merit Badge
Know that you have earned the gratitude and heartfelt thanks of narcissistic megalomaniacs the world over, for helping them to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of everyone else.”

My Commentary: Horizontal enforcement, for the win!