Sanitizing Savagery…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Daily Update On the Moral Status of Abortion,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Not being dismembered is a human right”

My Commentary: Sanitizing savagery…

Abortion-Based Eugenics

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Real Eyes Realize Real Lies,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“After she gave birth to their son, Samuel Forrest’s wife, told her husband’s she did not want to keep the baby because he has Down Syndrome. Instead of abandoning his child he filed for divorce.”

My Commentary: A feel-good story, indeed, and I agree with Mr. Forrest’s decision, 100%. However, the truth is, more than 67% of American women would choose to terminate their pregnancy after having their unborn child tested, and discovering a positive result for Down’s Syndrome. Eugenics is still alive and well, in America, and scrubbing “undesirables” from the gene pool to maintain “racial hygiene” has always been the “progressive” and “scientific” thing to do! Humanity has come such a long way from our barbaric past of arbitrary human sacrifice to false, man-made deities!

Prenatal Diagnosis of Down Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Termination Rates:

“The weighted mean termination rate was 67% (range: 61%–93%) among seven population‐based studies, 85% (range:?1 60%–90%) among nine hospital‐based studies, and 50% (range: 0%–100%) among eight anomaly‐based studies.”

Humanity has come such a long way from our barbaric past of arbitrary human sacrifice to false, man-made deitites!

Discussing the Origins of New-Wave Feminism

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…


Rayn: “Feminist” Margaret Sanger, founder of “Planned Parenthood,” was nothing more than a total racist, and a genocidal eugenicist. She outright exposed her murderous, devil-worshiping ideology when she stated:

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” (citation: “Apostle of Birth Control Sees Cause Gaining Here”, The New York Times, 1923-04-08)

Those who defend this soulless lizard, and her wicked organization, are typical either historically illiterate, willfully ignorant, or repugnant racists, eagerly-supportive of the age-old State-sponsored destruction of minority groups, and the poor. The fact that this devilry is currently being repackaged as “woman’s rights” is no excuse for supporting it, and really, only highlights just how low the lemming-like among us will go to virtue-signal a most shallow, imagined, and establishment-programmed concept of morality to the rest of society, even in the face of reality. The whole doublethink mentality fueling this issue is mind-blowing.


Michael A.: The lady in the video is wrong white females did not get a lot of rights at the same time as men. They could not vote for a long time and so many other things

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Joshua G.: That’s real life for sure

Discussing French Government’s Decision to Ban Public Broadcast of Down Syndrome Themed Film, “Dear Future Mom,” in Effort to Shield Feelings of Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion Apparently Have More Right Not to Feel Bad About Their Decision Than Individuals With Down Syndrome Have to Display Happiness About Being Alive“…


RaynFrance Bans Video Showing Happy Down Syndrome Children:

Sick sad world… Some in the world would sooner rewrite reality than to simply accept it… And, of course, the law is on *their* side, like usual.

To think, post-abortion mothers apparently have more right *not* to (possibly) feel bad about a single, personal decision than individuals with Downs Syndrome have to show the happiness they feel in merely existing. Fuck eugenics!

Tammy S.: WTF!!!

Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion Apparently Have More Right Not to Feel Bad About Their Decision Than Individuals With Down Syndrome Have to Display Happiness About Being Alive

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


France Bans Video Showing Happy Down Syndrome Children:

And the reason for the ban is, frankly, appalling:

On November 10th, the French ‘State Counsel’ rejected an appeal made by people with Down syndrome, their families and allies to lift the ban on broadcasting the award winning “Dear Future Mom” video on French television. The ban was previously imposed by the French Broadcasting Counsel. Kids who are unjustly described as a ‘risk’ before they are born, are now wrongfully portrayed as a ‘risk’ after birth too.

The video features a number of young people from around the globe telling about their lives. Their stories reflect today’s reality of living with Down syndrome and aims to reassure women who have received a prenatal diagnosis. Their message of hope takes away the fears and questions these women may have, often based on outdated stereotypes. The video was produced in 2014 to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. A day created by Down Syndrome International and officially recognized by the United Nations for the promotion of the human rights of people with Down syndrome.

The State Counsel said that allowing people with Down syndrome to smile was “inappropriate” because people’s expression of happiness was “likely to disturb the conscience of women who had lawfully made different personal life choices.”

(Read entire article here..)

My Commentary: Sick sad world… Some in the world would sooner rewrite reality than to simply accept it… And, of course, the law is on *their* side, like usual.

To think, post-abortion mothers apparently have more right *not* to (possibly) feel bad about a single, personal decision than individuals with Down Syndrome have to show the happiness they feel in merely existing. Fuck eugenics!