Institutionalizing the Criminalization of the Innocent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Forced to carry clear backpacks and wear student IDs
BACKFIRE: Broward County Implements ‘Solution’ for School Violence and Students Are Not Happy
Christopher Long: That moment when you campaign for weeks for the govenment to infringe upon other people’s rights to make you feel safe – and they infringe upon your rights instead.”

My Commentary: Criminalizing the innocent remains the State’s number one go-to “solution” for all of life’s complex problems. The Accuser is working overtime!

Statists Double Down on Same, Broken Non-Solution that Already Failed Miserably

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Broward County, Florida, Sheriff Scott Israel

Records Show Far More Calls For Sheriff’s Deputies To Visit Suspected Florida Shooter’s Home:

(Salvador Hernandez) Broward County sheriff’s officials said in a statement late Saturday that they responded only to 23 calls involving suspected Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz or his family over the years, but records obtained by BuzzFeed News show at least 45 responses since 2008.

The number of calls made over the years involving Cruz or his family, according to the call records, are nearly twice the number publicly disclosed by the department.

On Saturday night, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office released a statement pushing back on reports that they had been called more than the 23 incidents released by the department.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: And, the solution to all of these many police and FBI failures is to implement more laws? How innovative! Doubling down on the same, broken non-solution that already failed miserably, indicates not only a total lack of desire to improve the situation, but an underlying, opportunistic agenda to continue empowering, and increasing the size of, America’s police state.