The State is Permit Patty

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Today’s Government Screwup,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“(Violation) [#1] 32:197 – Bicycle – Improper Lane (Fine) $302.50
(Violation) [#2] 32:194 – Traffic laws apply to person riding bicycles (Fine) $302.50
(Violation) [#3] 154:1422 – Bicycle equipment (Fine) $157.50
(Violation) [#4] 154:1403 – Bicycle registration required (Fine) $157.50
(Sub Total) $920.00
(Paid) $0.00
(Amount Remaining) $920.00″

My Commentary: Make no mistake. The State is Permit Patty.

Institutionalizing the Criminalization of the Innocent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Forced to carry clear backpacks and wear student IDs
BACKFIRE: Broward County Implements ‘Solution’ for School Violence and Students Are Not Happy
Christopher Long: That moment when you campaign for weeks for the govenment to infringe upon other people’s rights to make you feel safe – and they infringe upon your rights instead.”

My Commentary: Criminalizing the innocent remains the State’s number one go-to “solution” for all of life’s complex problems. The Accuser is working overtime!

Gun Control is Tyrannical

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Lysander Spooner,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the law abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless.” – Lysander Spooner

My Commentary: Keep siding with Accuser, lemmings! Your refusal to think for yourselves, along with your natural fear of freedom, and desire to control the innocent, is what makes #democide possible!

The dangerous Utopian myth known as government has been responsible for over ONE HUNDRED MILLION murders of “its own” in the last century (and, that’s just the most modest estimate, available)! But, by all means, continue to weaponize and militarize the State, while clamoring for your neighbor to be disarmed – in the name of fighting “crime” (wink, wink)!

Victimless Pre-Crime “Laws” Provide State Agents “Legal” Pretext to Target Otherwise Innocent, Peaceful Individuals for Extortion

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Tickets for Drivers Drinking Coffee? N.J. Lawmakers Discussing it Today:

(Brent JohnsonLast month, a bill was introduced in the state Legislature that caused some to worry they may soon be ticketed for drinking coffee behind the wheel.

On Thursday morning, the state Assembly transportation committee will discuss that measure and two similar bills as it holds a hearing to consider how the Garden State can crack down on distracted driving.

The panel will also hear testimony from the National Transportation Safety Board on an issue that data shows has become a leading cause for fatal care crashes in the age of cell phones and other gadgets.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Victimless pre-crime “laws”: providing agents of the State the “legal” pretext to accost otherwise innocent and peaceful people, in the hopes of extorting them “for their safety.” Question or resist this injustice, and you will be beaten, arrested, thrown into a cage, and/or murdered.

Repeat after me: We are free! We just need more laws! We just need more taxes! We just need the right ruler! 😉

Tax-Payers Forced to Fund More Warrantless Searches, Because… Pre-Crime!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Forget “Stop and Frisk” — Cops Across US Collecting DNA of Innocent People in “Stop and Swabs”:

(Claire Bernish) Without laws to guide them, police around the country have begun collecting people’s DNA — even when no crime has been committed — using private labs which then store the genetic material for unknown periods to make identification simple in the event a crime is committed in the future.

Known generally as “stop and spit,” the practice of requesting the DNA of adults and juveniles during routine traffic stops and even basic interactions with police, ProPublica reports, is not only wholly unregulated and unlegislated, it is alarmingly common.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: More immoral warrantless searches that we’re forced to fund, because pre-crime…