Barack Obama – America’s FALSE Peace Candidate!

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His “Promises” As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…

Change You Can Believe In (by Eric J. Garcia)

Change You Can Believe In (by Eric J. Garcia)

If you were seduced into Obama’s Illusion of “hope” and “change” and actually voted for him, under the false impression that he would actually END AMERICA’S WARS… it’s finally time to finally admit that YOU WERE NOT “FOOLED” or “TRICKED” by this man!!! YOU JUST WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION!!!!

Obama has been very busy working on all the promises he made, and all is going exactly according to planned!

Here are some of the statements Obama made when he was still just a candidate on the campaign trail, looking to secure YOUR vote:

Speaking from Afghanistan in a July 20, 2008 interview on “Face the Nation,” Obama said:

“It’s time for us to withdraw some of our combat troops out of Iraq, and deploy them here in Afghanistan, and I think we have to seize that opportunity. Now’s the time for us to do it.”



Before that, speaking on August 1, 2007 in an address to the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC, Obama stated the same exact agenda, taking it a step further:

“The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”



According to Obama:

“If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf will not act, we will.”



Obama even went as far as saying:

“We must not turn a blind eye to elections that are neither free nor fair – our goal is not simply an ally in Pakistan; it is a democratic ally.”

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Hip-Hop, Commercialism and the Female Emcee

The following post was originally published by fellow emcee, AtLas’, in the forum section of

The rare and deadly female emcee

The rare and deadly female emcee

“Why is there a perceived lack of female emcees in Hip-Hop? People are always asking where the ladies are in Hip Hop. I happen to know of a few places where you can find us. However, when the question is posed, I have to wonder, do they only mean the female emcees? There doesn’t seem to be a lack of female dj’s or b-girls, so why emcees? I have my own thoughts, but I’m interested to know yours.”

In response to AtLas’ questions, I wrote the following elaborate reply. However, I chose not to publish it at because I determined it to be inappropriately lengthy…

In response to your first question, asking why there is a “perceived” lack of female emcees in the game right now, especially when compared with DJs and B-Girls, the answer is complex. We must start, first, by realizing (and admitting) that today’s Hip-Hop music has been completely compromised by the corrupted Corporate oligarchy known as the “Music Industry.” In essence, Hip-Hop is a vehicle, driven by struggle, towards empowerment, using the fuel of expression. And, though the genre began underground, it was not until it was picked up by the mainstream that it became a worldwide sensation. And, as the gatekeepers of all radio play, and the holders of all major record labels, for many years, the Music Industry has usurped authority over the entire Hip-Hop music scene. Record executives have worked hard to convert the emcee into a “product,” to be sold in a commercially-driven market. The Industry has, in effect, removed most of the heart and soul from Hip-Hop music, and replaced it with the sort of shallow, fickle, fad-based, formula-dependent “pop” culture that draws teenyboppers to the market en mass, eager to purchase the latest, most popular album available. Where Hip-Hop once had substance, it now has image. The content and message of lyrics have taken a backseat to swag, flow and “a good beat.” Most of today’s radio emcees no longer represent the streets, or the struggle. Instead, they simply represent the Corporate interests of their record label masters. These types of sellout emcees – motivated primarily by money – serve as “useful idiots” to the Industry, because they are ready, willing and able to completely, hypocritically “brand” themselves to fans in order to increase sales. From where I stand, today’s mainstream Hip-Hop music more resembles a high school popularity contest than an actual form of art.

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Use WISDOM to Repel Psy-Ops Aimed at Weakening Our Spirit of Resistance!

I originally published the following post into the forum section of

2009-07-31 - Use WISDOM to Repel Psy-Ops Aimed at Weakening Our Spirit of Resistance!

To everyone who has been awakened by truth – never stop fighting the good fight! Those who control the show would love for us to believe that we are helpless as individuals, and that knowledge has no power… However, wisdom would dictate otherwise! You need only open your eyes, and you will easily see it!

If we are helpless as individuals, then why do the super-rich “elites,” who hold all the money & freedom in the world, want nothing more than to steal our individuality from us, so that it is working solely for them? As a matter of fact, are they not just individuals themselves? Yet, with their individuality, they have accomplished so much! They know the power of the individual! They don’t deny it! They seek to harness it for themselves.

If knowledge has no power, then why do those who control the show do everything they can to keep us ignorant and feed us lies? Look how much thes “elites” have accomplished with their knowledge! They currently rule the world!

So, don’t ever give up, or feel hopeless. You have already jumped the first hurdle by refusing to becoming complacent & comfortable with the wicked ways of the world’s controllers!

Add to your MySpace page! Put this page in your top friends! Let others know the truth about the lies & omissions of the “official stories” regarding the events of 9/11!

Various Anomalies Surrounding Events At WTC on 9/11/2001

I originally published the following information in March of 2007 to the “About” section of a MySpace profile I created, entitled “World Trade Center“…

These videos illustrate the various anomalies and inconsistencies
surrounding the sequence of events that took place at the World Trade
Center Complex on September 11, 2001:

The Inexplicable Fall of World Trade Center 7:

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry

WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry

WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?
Molten Metal Steel Found in Ruins of World Trade Center:

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins

Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center

Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center

WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth

WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth
Other Scientific Inconsistencies:

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say?

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say?

Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later

Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later

WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707

WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say? Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707
Eyewitness Testimony – Explosions Inside Twin Towers:

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2

Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11

Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11

Gov't Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions

Gov’t Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2 Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11 Gov’t Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions
Recorded Proof – Explosions at Ground Zero:

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop

Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop


The Facts About World Trade Center 7

I originally published the following article to the blog section of a MySpace profile I created, entitled, “World Trade Center“…

On 9/11/01, at 5:20pm, World Trade Center 7, a 570 ft. tall, 47-story building, suffering from scattered, uneven diffuse-flame fires and a gash to it’s lower south-western corner, drops from it’s 81-vertical-steel-column-reinforced position in the sky at near free-fall speed and symmetry with virtually no resistance from the still-intact, structurally-bound-to-column floors below the scattered diffuse-flame fires within, with no evidence that ANY portion of ANY of the 81 vertical steel columns remained standing, all while falling neatly into its own footprint.

Here are three photos of WTC before September 11, 2001:

Front Entrance of WTC7, as seen from Vesey Street.

Front Entrance of WTC7, as seen from Vesey Street.

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