I originally posted the following video and statement here, onto my Facebook music page, “Rayn“…
Rayn: Earlier today, I made a live recording of the first and third verse of a song I began writing back in 2008, entitled, “Prison Planet.” Perhaps, posting this here will motivate me to complete the second verse I started, but haven’t yet finished! 🙂 Ha ha! At the very least, it will give y’all a little something to satiate your desire for Conscious hip hop, in the meantime!
Prison Planet Live:
Sara: Great message and AMAZING delivery! I can’t wait to here the completed work! Love you, sis!
Rayn: Thank you, Sara! You’re awesome! I love you! ❤
Tru Leo: Let it Rayn!!! Dope!!! Finish it damn it lol
Rayn: No doubt, Tru Leo! I shall! 🙂
Bruce M.: Good job 🙂
Rayn: Thanks, Bruce! 🙂
Donna: Love You Sweetie!
Rayn: Thanx for watching, Mom! 🙂 I love you! ❤