International Bankster Cartel Uses Fractional Reserve Pyramid Scheme to Control All of America’s Economy By Stealth

The Legalization of Theft

The Legalization of Theft

In the current state of society, it just so happens that the ones with the most money are, in fact, the money-creators, themselves! And, these controllers lend us our own money at interest, and also decide upon its flow into our market!

Lending money at interest – also known as usury – has been declared morally reprehensible by all major religions of the world. For thousands of years, it was also outlawed as criminal by many of the most predominant secular cultures and nations that ever existed. And, there is a good reason for thisusury is an absolutely predatory, parasitic practice! It is obsolete and unnecessary in a free society, as it demands the exact opposite of freedom!

It institutes and legitimizes a tyrannical system of debt-slavery – wherein the financially strong benefit greatly by preying upon the financially weak unto ruin. Usury empowers a small minority of super-wealthy individuals to tax the very fruits of everyone else’s labor, without actually contributing their own work to our economic system – a system based in the trade of tangible goods, along with individual contribution via mental and/or physical labor. The math behind the system of usury never adds up, and, as with every game of musical chairs, some group of victims is always left holding the bag! And, due to the ability of the criminal banksters to engage in this amazing feat of purely speculative juggler’s accounting, these financial-vampires are able to permanently, repeatedly and overlappingly tax us for the continued use of the worthless paper they “lend” us – in the form of “interest”!

The bankster model of business is simply unsustainable! It requires the constant expansion of debt in order to maintain, and always concludes with a manufactured market crash, a money collapse, and a bankster-led looting of all available properties and assets in the ensuing panic and chaos. For the wealthy banksters, their primary mode of business IS is to operate the world’s most longest-running, most extensive, most elaborate, most highly-centralized, most far-reaching, and most generally unacknowledged pyramid scheme in the history of humankind – always regarded as “necessary” – and, hidden directly in the plain view of an unsuspecting populace – using the faith-in-bankster-based illusion of our very own monetary system!!!

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The Long-Standing American Military Plot Against Haitian Freedom

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Celebrating Haitian History in the Face of Opposition“…

Haitian Slave Revolt

Haitian Slave Revolt


The Overthrow of Haiti’s Democratic Government: A Coup D’etat Made in the USA:

The 2004 Haitian Coup: An Unresolved Injustice After Five Years:

What a surprise! In 2004, the US government once again MILITARILY SUBVERTED A SUPPOSED DEMOCRACY in a SOVEREIGN NATION!!!! (For many more examples of overt and covert American imperialism, read my article, “Under Obama, America’s Military Empire Continues to Expand.”)

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Under Obama, America’s Military Empire Continues to Expand

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His ‘Promises’ As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…

American Imperialism

American Imperialism

Obama is not trying to end the wars in the Middle-East – as in, stop them – he’s trying to win the wars in the Middle-East – as in, conclude them (hence, “ENDING” the wars). There is a huge difference! Obama has been engaging in political double-speak all along, and the public has been “had.” Please read my previous article, “Barack Obama – America’s FALSE Peace Candidate!” for proof!

The Current War Against Afghanistan

By sending more troops to Afghanistan, Obama is, by definition, CONTINUING and ESCALATING that particular war!

As I illustrated in my previous article, “Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan“, our government has absolutely redefined Afghanistan’s existence and future through chronic meddling! And, as I also pointed out, they have also militarily, politically and culturally tampered with Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan, too! America, like an eagle, is operating from a “bird’s eye view,” on top of the world!

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Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His “Promises” As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…



Why did American troops invade Afghanistan in the first place?
Why are American troops still in Afghanistan?

Why did Amercan troops cross the sovereign borders of Afghanistan in the first place? Does your reasoning have anything to do with the Osama Bin Laden, with “his” 19 “Al Qaeda” hijackers story propogated by the Bush Administration? Well, before you answer any of my questions, here is some less-know information that you should be aware of:

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America’s Failed “War on Drugs” & CIA Drug-Running Make Business BOOM for the Prison-Industrial Complex

This article was inspired by my correspondence, “Discussing America’s Fallacious War on Drugs, and its Connection to the Prison Industrial Complex“…

Our soldiers are guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan. It’s no secret. Back in 2006, a friend of mine in the Army sent me pictures of British troops doing that exact same thing. Here is one of them:

British Soldier Guarding Poppy Field in Afghanistan

British Soldier Guarding Poppy Field in Afghanistan

And, opium isn’t the only drug our government is dealing in! Remember that CIA plane that went down over the Yucatan two years ago carrying 3.2 TONS OF COCAINE!? Allow me to refresh your memory:

New Document Provides Further Evidence That Owner of Crashed Cocaine Jet Was a U.S. Government Operative:

Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico Part of Cowboy Government Operation, DEA Sources Claim:

We should rename the CIA  from “Central Intelligence Agency” to “Cocaine Importation Agency”!

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