Never Forget That, in the End, Every Law is Enforced at Gunpoint, and Under Threat of Abduction and Imprisonment

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntary Virtues Network,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"There should be a draft where every young person has to do one year of something - military, public works - something so that we feel invested in the same game, because that's the part we've lost." - John Stewart ""We should extort money from people and pay men with guns to force people to do arbitrary, and sometimes criminal things, for at least a year. That way, we'd all feel united as slaves." - Translation, by Jeff Berwick

“There should be a draft where every young person has to do one year of something – military, public works – something so that we feel invested in the same game, because that’s the part we’ve lost.” – John Stewart

“We should extort money from people and pay men with guns to force people to do arbitrary, and sometimes criminal things, for at least a year. That way, we’d all feel united as slaves.” – Translation, by Jeff Berwick

My Commentary: Never forget that, in the end, every law is enforced at gunpoint, and under threat of abduction and imprisonment. So, please stop suggesting the use of State violence against peaceful people in your hopelessly naive, pathetically misguided attempt to “help.”

Think volunteer public service is a good idea? Cool! Then, get off your ass, and get to work! Try leading by example, and stop stooping to coercion!

Bully System, Run by Bully Politicians, Embraced by Bully Citizens, and Enforced by Bully Agents

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Wake Up & Disobey,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The entire premise behind democracy is the notion that the majority has the right to force its will on the minority, and that as long as people are allowed to vote on what happens, and as long as the majority gets its way, then whatever happens is 'legal,' legitimate and civilized. And that's just bullshit." - Larken Rose

“The entire premise behind democracy is the notion that the majority has the right to force its will on the minority, and that as long as people are allowed to vote on what happens, and as long as the majority gets its way, then whatever happens is ‘legal,’ legitimate and civilized. And that’s just bullshit.” – Larken Rose

My Commentary: Bully System, run by bully politicians, embraced by bully citizens, and enforced by bully agents… Seems legit!

State-Sponsored Poverty

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Washington, D.C., Has Four Layers of Bureaucracy to Protect Against Rogue Shoe-Shiners:

Shining shoes seems like a relatively low-risk occupation. (Heck, even Andy Dwyer can do it.)

Not so, says the city government of Washington, D.C., where would-be shoe shiners have to acquire no fewer than four licenses, with fees totaling at least $337 to get into business. Oh, and if you want to shine shoes on the sidewalk, cough up another $1,200 for a two-year permit.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: State-Sponsored poverty.

To Begin on the Path Towards Peace, Recognize One of the Most Basic Tenets of Morality

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “End the Drug War,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don't understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business."

“More police have died enforcing laws prohibiting personal liberties, than for any other reason. People don’t understand why cops are being killed, but there are more laws prohibiting civil liberties now than ever before. If you want fewer dead cops and fewer dead citizens at the hands of cops, you better make freedom your business.”

My Commentary: No Victim, No Crime! Please MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS to understand this basic tenet of morality! Otherwise, the “legal” system you are forced to pay for will continue to violate, abuse, kidnap and imprison the innocent and peaceful in the name of “safety,” “the greater good,” and other such empty, meaningless tripe.

The Hostile Takeover of the US Government Corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is Almost Complete!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Mom Arrested For Not Cutting Grass, Kids Left Home Alone With Officer:


Mother of five, Ebony Conner, said she was given a verbal warning by a code enforcement officer at the end of June to remove trash, tow cars from her driveway, and cut her grass.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The Draconian Police State is the problem…

America: 5% of world’s population, 25% of world’s prison population

No Victim, No Crime! No Justice, No Peace!

The hostile takeover of the US government corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is almost complete… Just. A. Few. More. Laws.