Never Forget… Those Who Jumped from the Twin Towers to Their Deaths on 9/11/2001 Saved Many Other Lives

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Although these particularly delicate 9/11 images are a source of great discomfort, for various reasons, as they do, indeed, signify a fatal act of desperation on the part of some victims, they should still not be completely erased from history

Although these particularly delicate 9/11 images are a source of great discomfort, for various reasons, as they do, indeed, signify a fatal act of desperation on the part of some victims, they should still not be completely erased from history

The 9/11 Victims America Wants to Forget: The 200 Individuals Who Flung Themselves from the Twin Towers Who Have Been “Airbrushed from History’:

(Tom LeonardAlmost all of them jumped alone, although eyewitnesses talked of a couple who held hands as they fell.

One woman, in a final act of modesty, appeared to be holding down her skirt. Others tried to make parachutes out of curtains or tablecloths, only to have them wrenched from their grip by the force of their descent.

The fall was said to take about ten seconds. It would vary according to the body position and how long it took to reach terminal velocity — around 125mph in most cases, but if someone fell head down with their body straight, as if in a dive, it could be 200mph.

(Read entire article here…)

Through their deaths, these particular 9/11 victims inadvertently saved many other lives, as those employees in the floors of the Towers below them who witnessed their falls quickly decided to ignore official orders that they remain in their cubicles, and evacuated the building, instead.

However, their fatalities have remained a source of discomfort from day one. But, no matter the reason, they should not be erased from history.

Discussing the Reality that True Compassion is Voluntary!

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “True Compassion is Voluntary!“…


“To the person going through our trash for their next meal,
You’re a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a classic Pb&j, fresh veggies, and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked.
-Your friend, the owner”
Voluntarily choosing to feed those less fortunate. JustAnarchistThings

Voluntaryism: because true compassion requires a little something called… hmm… what’s that magic word, again? Oh, yeah! CONSENT!!!

Many shared the story, but few understood the lesson! Outsourcing our humanity to an ultra-minority of power-hungry “elect” has been a dismal failure for CENTURIES! It is the slave’s answer to being a responsible, respectful Individual.

“No! I don’t want to be peacefully free because criminals will just take over without established authority!“

NEWS FLASH: criminals have ALREADY taken over, and they currently engage in their crimes, almost fully unabated, under the “color of law” that comes from the very established authority you thought would prevent it! Even the mafia couldn’t accomplish such an amazing feat! In reality, the conditions that Statists claim to fear – the ones that keep them clinging so hard to the cult of “government” – are precisely the ones we’ve been in for a very, very long time, already! What they seem to really fear, but rarely admit, is the PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY, and the direct participation in shaping society that comes with Individual Sovereignty!

Statism is just another obsolete extortion-racket, run by a tiny ruling class of professionally-lying, elitist, morally-bankrupt, sociopathic, career criminals.

Interestingly enough, at least when common robbers, kidnappers, rapists, and murderers commit their evils, we plainly see their actions as wrong, and fight back, even. But, give these same types State-issued uniforms and weapons, with the free range to abuse their peers that comes with it, and suddenly, and, somehow, their evils magically transform into “jobs,” and they are called “heros.” Even worse: arm them with government titles and pens, and watch even clear-as-day war crimes turn into “collateral damage”! 😉

Greg C.: Nice thing to do

True Compassion is Voluntary!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Just Anarchist Things,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"To the person going through our trash for their next meal, You're a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a classic Pb&j, fresh veggies, and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked. -Your friend, the owner" Voluntarily choosing to feed those less fortunate. JustAnarchistThings

“To the person going through our trash for their next meal,
You’re a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a classic Pb&j, fresh veggies, and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked.
-Your friend, the owner”
Voluntarily choosing to feed those less fortunate. JustAnarchistThings

My Commentary: Voluntaryism: because true compassion requires a little something called… hmm… what’s that magic word, again? Oh, yeah! CONSENT!!!

Many shared the story, but few understood the lesson! Outsourcing our humanity to an ultra-minority of power-hungry “elect” has been a dismal failure for CENTURIES! It is the slave’s answer to being a responsible, respectful Individual.

“No! I don’t want to be peacefully free because criminals will just take over without established authority!

NEWS FLASH: criminals have ALREADY taken over, and they currently engage in their crimes, almost fully unabated, under the “color of law” that comes from the very established authority you thought would prevent it! Even the mafia couldn’t accomplish such an amazing feat! In reality, the conditions that Statists claim to fear – the ones that keep them clinging so hard to the cult of “government” – are precisely the ones we’ve been in for a very, very long time, already! What they seem to really fear, but rarely admit, is the PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY, and the direct participation in shaping society that comes with Individual Sovereignty!

Statism is just another obsolete extortion-racket, run by a tiny ruling class of professionally-lying, elitist, morally-bankrupt, sociopathic, career criminals.

Interestingly enough, at least when common robbers, kidnappers, rapists, and murderers commit their evils, we plainly see their actions as wrong, and fight back, even. But, give these same types State-issued uniforms and weapons, with the free range to abuse their peers that comes with it, and suddenly, and, somehow, their evils magically transform into “jobs,” and they are called “heros.” Even worse: arm them with government titles and pens, and watch even clear-as-day war crimes turn into “collateral damage”! 😉