Spontaneously-Ordered, Group Compassion, in Action!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

After Man Collapses, 20 People Take Turns Performing CPR For 96 Minutes:

(Amanda Froelich) In the small town of Goodhue, Minnesota, a miracle was witnessed. After walking out of a grocery store, 54-year-old Howard Snitzer collapsed unexpectedly. Those who were nearby rushed to help. Their quick-thinking and perseverance ended up saving his life. Though the incident, which is now referred to as the “longest, successful out-of-hospital resuscitation,” occurred in 2011, we think it’s worth sharing.

(Read entire article here)

My Commentary: Flashback, 2011… Never heard about this… <3

Reminds me of another, more recent event:

At Least 80 People Form Human Chain to Rescue Stranded Group in Gulf of Mexico:

Discussing French Government’s Decision to Ban Public Broadcast of Down Syndrome Themed Film, “Dear Future Mom,” in Effort to Shield Feelings of Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion Apparently Have More Right Not to Feel Bad About Their Decision Than Individuals With Down Syndrome Have to Display Happiness About Being Alive“…


RaynFrance Bans Video Showing Happy Down Syndrome Children:

Sick sad world… Some in the world would sooner rewrite reality than to simply accept it… And, of course, the law is on *their* side, like usual.

To think, post-abortion mothers apparently have more right *not* to (possibly) feel bad about a single, personal decision than individuals with Downs Syndrome have to show the happiness they feel in merely existing. Fuck eugenics!

Tammy S.: WTF!!!

Women Who’ve Chosen Abortion Apparently Have More Right Not to Feel Bad About Their Decision Than Individuals With Down Syndrome Have to Display Happiness About Being Alive

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


France Bans Video Showing Happy Down Syndrome Children:

And the reason for the ban is, frankly, appalling:

On November 10th, the French ‘State Counsel’ rejected an appeal made by people with Down syndrome, their families and allies to lift the ban on broadcasting the award winning “Dear Future Mom” video on French television. The ban was previously imposed by the French Broadcasting Counsel. Kids who are unjustly described as a ‘risk’ before they are born, are now wrongfully portrayed as a ‘risk’ after birth too.

The video features a number of young people from around the globe telling about their lives. Their stories reflect today’s reality of living with Down syndrome and aims to reassure women who have received a prenatal diagnosis. Their message of hope takes away the fears and questions these women may have, often based on outdated stereotypes. The video was produced in 2014 to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. A day created by Down Syndrome International and officially recognized by the United Nations for the promotion of the human rights of people with Down syndrome.

The State Counsel said that allowing people with Down syndrome to smile was “inappropriate” because people’s expression of happiness was “likely to disturb the conscience of women who had lawfully made different personal life choices.”

(Read entire article here..)

My Commentary: Sick sad world… Some in the world would sooner rewrite reality than to simply accept it… And, of course, the law is on *their* side, like usual.

To think, post-abortion mothers apparently have more right *not* to (possibly) feel bad about a single, personal decision than individuals with Down Syndrome have to show the happiness they feel in merely existing. Fuck eugenics!

Heroes Rescue Multiple Ducklings from Sewer Drain

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a video being shared by an acquaintance from here

Rayn: Rescuing Ducklings from Sewer:

Tema G.: If we were all this kind to humans

Rayn: Indeed! Though it’s not very obvious from the video, these rescue workers are actually firemen from the Slovak Republic. The first clue is that one is wearing pants with reflectors across the bottom. Then, in a few shots, you can even see the word “Hasiči” written large, across the back of their shirts, and also in the front, top, left-corner pocket area. 🙂 One google search of the word quickly solved the mystery, for me.

NYC Musician Uses His Time and Talent to Illustrate True Compassion as a Voluntary Endeavor

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Musician in NYC Performs Next To Homeless People So They Get More Cash:

My Commentary: Real compassion is voluntary…

But, hey, just quietly and passively pay those compulsory taxes to let the State “take care of” the homeless (AKA police harassment, corrupt shelter systems, vagrancy laws, destruction of property, fines, jails)!

Keep your soft, pink hands “clean,” my friends!

For just a taste of the truth about homelessness in NYC, and how the State represents the worse enemy to some of the most vulnerable members of our society, watch the movie, “The Saint of Fort Washington.”