Discussing Short-Sighted, Arrogant Control-Freak State’s Eager Enforcement of Arbitrary Aesthetic Opinion Over Freedom and Self-Sustainability

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Short-Sighted, Arrogant Control-Freak State Eagerly-Enforces Arbitrary Aesthetic Opinion Over Freedom and Self-Sustainability“…


Rayn: Shallow, short-sighted, arrogant control-freaks eagerly-enforce arbitrary aesthetic opinion over freedom and self-sustainability…

Judge Rules Government Can Ban Vegetable Gardens Because They’re ‘Ugly’:

Monica G.Must be strictly a meat eater 😡

Unay U.: They want you to continue to buy your produce at supermarkets.

Unay U.: Florida is notorious for stopping people from self reliance.

Short-Sighted, Arrogant Control-Freak State Eagerly-Enforces Arbitrary Aesthetic Opinion Over Freedom and Self-Sustainability

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Judge Rules Government Can Ban Vegetable Gardens Because They’re ‘Ugly’:

(Ben Richards) Last week, a Miami-Dade judge became the focus of much-deserved anger when she ruled on an ordinance banning front yard vegetable gardens. The village of Miami Shores, according to the ruling, has every right to take legal action against residents who dare to grow food in their own yards because they are “ugly.”

The ruling was a whopping ten pages long as it was filled with legal analysis and definitions of what constitutes a vegetable. Even though she ruled in favor of the ban, Judge Monica Gordo acknowledged that she wasn’t quite sure how a vegetable garden can ruin the aesthetics of one’s property.

However, she stated that the democratically elected government has every right to dictate what constitutes an ugly front yard, and gardens are apparently a contributing factor.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Shallow, short-sighted, arrogant control-freaks eagerly-enforce arbitrary aesthetic opinion over freedom and self-sustainability…

Government: Professionally Regulating Peaceful People into Poverty and Prison, While Forcing Payment for Criminal “Service”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Judge Upholds Vegetable Garden Ban in South Florida:

() A Florida circuit court judge upheld a local ordinance Thursday banning front yard vegetable gardens in the Village of Miami Shores.

The ruling is the latest development in a case where local officials forced an otherwise peaceful couple to uproot their garden of 17 years.

The decision is a “blow to property rights,” according to the Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm. The judgment extends throughout the South Florida community.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Government: professionally regulating peaceful people into poverty and prison, while forcing them to pay for the criminal “service”…

Eight-Month Pregnant Woman Wrongly Accused and Arrested in the Name of the “War on Drugs”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Wrongly accused victim of police and courts, Ashley Brown

Mistaken Identity? Woman Says She Was Wrongly Accused, Arrested:

(Isabelle Chapman) Ashley Brown was eight months pregnant when she was arrested on drug charges last November for a case in which her only real crime may have been having a very common name.

Brown said she pulled into the driveway of her mother’s Rittman home and was closely followed by two cars from the Rittman Police Department.

“I got out and one of them walked up to me and said, ‘we have a warrant for your arrest,’ and I thought that they were joking,” said Brown.

“I thought that it was for an unpaid parking ticket and he said, ‘no ma’am, it’s for dangerous drugs,’ and I lost it,” said Brown.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Read the details of this story very carefully. Then, imagine yourself peacefully coexisting with the rest of humanity, only to be suddenly abducted by armed thugs, falsely accused, and falsely imprisoned, all while eight months pregnant, simply because you happen to share the same first name with a suspect who drove her car to a police-surveilled drug deal, and the State has decided that they have just cause to pursue you as a criminal based upon this this SINGLE FACT, alone…

Ashley Brown had no criminal record, and a solid alibi for the day in question. However, according to the article, “for eight grueling months following her arrest, Brown said she was required to make daily status phone calls and subject herself to random drug tests twice a week at her own expense.

Ultimately, prosecutors agreed to drop the charges against her.

Brown said she felt embarrassed to have to go through what she did, especially when she was pregnant and she feels she is entitled to an apology.

‘I hope this never happens to anybody, and I hope they do their research better before they go to try to convict somebody of something they didn’t do,’ said Brown.”

Kidnapped at Gunpoint and Locked in a Cage for Consuming a Non-Toxic Plant? Seems Legit!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People’s Uprising,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Marijuana: Making Criminals Out of Honest People Since 1937”

My Commentary: Kidnapped at gunpoint and locked in a cage for consuming a non-toxic plant? Seems legit!