Voting is for Suckers!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Nobody for President“…


"I Vo(mi)ted"

“I Vo(mi)ted”

Damion S.: Love it!!!


"I cannot think for myself so I hired someone to think for you"

“I cannot think for myself so I hired someone to think for you”
(Artwork originally located here, as a comment on another post)

Tyranny, 2016! Four More Wars!

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Hillary Clinton, the Unrepentant Warmonger“…

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump

Presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump

RaynThe New York Times Accurately Portrays Hillary Clinton as an Unrepentant Warmonger:

Hillary Clinton is an Unrepentant Warmonger. Vote for Hillary! Four more wars!

Rebekah P.: Yo The Newspapers I just saw in the store were literally signs o the Times! Wish I was able to post them now, one stated: Trump win=Apocalypse. The Wall St Journal has a pic of Big Bif & Hill side by side, one red & one blue shaded looking like evil eyed Twin idiots

Daniel Sv.: What’s your view on Sanders?

Rayn: Sanders is another scoundrel: political parasite, profession loafer, war-pig, socialist scum… You name it.

Here’s a recent article I posted about him…

Both Historically and Presently, Berie Sanders Does Not Qualify as a Legitimate Peace Candidate:

Rayn: Here’s another writing I posted… that you’ll likely appreciate…

Major 2016 Presidential Candidates for Both Parties Represent Different Flavors of Tyranny:

Stop Voting for Masters to Rule Over You, or You’ll Always Be a Slave!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Vacate The Vote”…


"I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils... is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism"

“I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils… is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism”

David L.: Glad we agree on the deal with superdelegates. The primaries should be about the popular vote.


"Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups… So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!" (by Rayn)

“Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups…
So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Daniel F.: That’s why we have a Constitution which specifies limits on what the government is allowed to do. If democracy is “two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner,” then liberal/constitutional democracy adds the restriction that dinner can’t be the sheep. (Not that the system has ever actually worked very well)

Rayn: As I explained to you previously, Daniel, I wholeheartedly agree with Lysander Spooner, who stated, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Vacate the Vote to Withdraw Consent and Non-Violently Delegitimize Government

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Left and Right Wing of the America War-Hawk“…

Rayn: War-hawk: a bird of prey.

“There’s the right-wing. There’s the left-wing. And then, there’s knowing.”

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

Damion S.: I love this!!! Knowing- I’ll take no-wing! 😉

Marilyn W.: Know so…

Rayn: Discover the single-most important factor that ended the Apartheid State in South Africa…

Why You Got to Stop Voting:

As the author states: “Boycotting elections alone will not oust the oligarchy, but it is the only proven non-violent way to delegitimize a government. “

Vacate The Vote and Vote for Nobody! Far from being “political inaction,” “a dereliction of public duty,” or “failure to politically speak,” it is the opposite of all such claims, and stands out, historically, as one of the most real, effective and non-violent means to place a solid vote of “No Confidence” against all candidates at any given election! Withdraw Consent!

War Mongers, for Change!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jordan K., after he shared artwork from here

Jordan K.:

"Warmonger, Warmonger, Warmonger, Warmonger But, don't worry -- it will be different this time!

“Warmonger, Warmonger,Warmonger, Warmonger
But, don’t worry — it will be different this time!

Ray W.: Puppets

Ray W.: And cousins.

Rayn: War-vampires…