Vote Harder!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strictly Liberty,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…


“Democracy: your vote actually counts for very little. The vast majority of the people in control are unelected. The two parties share very similar views on most subjects. In the 110th Congress, people voted for the party line 91% of the time. Only 20.9% of the U.S. population voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Even if your vote did matter, all that you are doing is voting to force your opinions, morals and ideas onto everyone else. (1.9 million bureaucrats: [State, 18,900] [Treasury, 115,897] [Justice, 112,557] [Interior, 71,436] [Agriculture, 109,832] [Commerce, 43,880] [Labor, 17,347] [Defense – civilian employees only, 718,000] [Health and Human Services, 67,000] [Housing and Urban Development, 10,600] [Transportation, 68,622] [Energy, 109,094] [Education, 4,487] [Veterans Affairs, 235,000] [Homeland Security, 208,000]”

My Commentary: Keep voting harder, slaves!

A Puppet Show for the Voting Cattle

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Berie "Sellout" Sanders

Berie “Sellout” Sanders

The Day Has Arrived: Bernie Just Sold Out His Useful Idiots for Chump Change:

(Donn Marten) The old socialist crank Bernie Sanders has just confirmed exactly what all the skeptics and wise men always knew that he would do, he sold out his army of loyal followers for pennies on the dollar. It was as inevitable as the fall of the Berlin Wall that Bernie would eventually betray his own revolution and he did so in grand style on Thursday. After a much-hyped visit with Emperor Obama he emerged from the White House promising to work with Queen Hillary to save America from the horror of a Donald Trump presidency.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Enjoying the puppet show, voting cattle? 😉

When Working to Expose the Fallacies of Statism, Sharing is Caring!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a graphic being shared by the page, “The Abolitionist Movement“…


"Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false 'authority' that doesn't exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR)."

“Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false ‘authority’ that doesn’t exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR).”

Jordan K.: I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I shared.

Rayn: Skillz! “Sharing is caring.” 🙂

Discussing American Voters Being Double-Teamed and Dry-Holed by the DemoRepubliCrats

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Voting to Be Double-Teamed and Dry-Holed by the DemoRepubliCrats“…

Rayn: Your vote does count! It determines which orifice each of the two parties will continuously dry-hole for the next four years.

“The false left-right paradigm. Screwing sheep since 1913.”

Jason R.: this seems so true

Damion S.: Wow!!!!

Voting to Be Double-Teamed and Dry-Holed by the DemoRepubliCrats

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The false left-right paradigm. Screwing the sheep since 1913."

“The false left-right paradigm. Screwing sheep since 1913.”

My Commentary: Your vote does count! It determines which orifice each of the two parties will continuously dry-hole for the next four years.

(note: though I previously shared an uncensored version of this artwork in March of 2012, within my post, “A Snapshot in American Politics,” I still felt compelled to offer up an alternative commentary when I saw it again, due to the inspiring nature of this piece)