When War Pigs Play, the Innocent Pay

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

War pigs

If You’re Wondering Why Trump Can Just Bomb Countries, Ask Obama, Bush, and Clinton:

() If you read closely between the warped headlines of the establishment media, you will eventually find the truth about Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian government: it was illegal.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: War pigs…

Leftists Are Amused by a “Joke” Meme Involving the American Government’s War Crimes

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared a meme from here

Sam B.:

"Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer Obama: That's an Etch-a-Sketch Biden: Yup"

“Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer
Obama: That’s an Etch-a-Sketch
Biden: Yup”

(note that upon sharing this meme to his wall, Sam soon receives 9 “likes” and 7 “hahas” from his Facebook friends)

RaynHa! Good one! Super funny! Nothing like a clever joke involving the American government’s War Crimes!

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

When combining the officially-acknowledged, yet incomplete, government-reported numbers of casualties from drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan, the most modest possible totals show that between 616 – 1,258 civilians were killed, which includes between 186 – 241 children.

Get the Data: Drone Wars:

During Obama’s presidency, between 449 – 926 of the above-mentioned civilians casualties occurred (about 72.9% – 73.6% of the totals), which includes between 80 – 112 children (about 43 % – 46.5% of the totals). This is just more bipartisan criminality taking place in the ludicrous, endless “War on Terror.”

Oh, and this doesn’t even include US drone operations occurring in Iraq, Libya and Syria…

US Drone Strikes Could be Classed as War Crimes, Says Amnesty International:

America’s War of Aggression Against Yemen Escalates from Years of Covert Drone Bombings to Navy Warship Bombings

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The USS Mason

The USS Mason

US Enters Yemen War, Bombing Houthis Who Launched Missiles at Navy Ship:

The United States has launched its first strike on Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen in retaliation for days of attacks on a navy warship, becoming an active combatant in a brutal war led by Washington’s ally Saudi Arabia.

The Pentagon announced late on Wednesday that it struck and destroyed three radar sites controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi movement in Yemen. The sites were described as being involved in two missile attacks over the past four days on the destroyer USS Mason, operating out of the Bab al-Mandeb waterway between Yemen and east Africa.

There was no immediate word on any casualties from the US attack on the radar sites, which the Pentagon noted came with the direct authorization of Barack Obama.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Hmmm… The American government’s been drone bombing Yemen for years, with very little mention about it among the public, and the media, alike (even though we’re all forced to fund it with the tax dollars they extort from us)… And, most sadly and disgustingly, these murderous criminals are now escalating their war of aggression against this sovereign nation, even more… I’m so sick of this completely immoral devilry… Does *anyone* else feel the same? Or, is the lure of being a complacent, comfortably apathetic voting slob just too great to resist for most of y’all?

Obama Ramps Up Covert [Drone] War in Yemen (June 2011 article):

I dream of the day that the scum-sucking, bottom-feeding cowards-that-be are brought before the Hague, to answer for their crimes against humanity… *sigh*

Is War Criminal Fever Contagious, or Something?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

They Lied about Iraq and Libya: Do You Trust Them Now About Russia?

(Robert Parry) A British parliamentary inquiry into the Libyan fiasco has reported what should have been apparent from the start in 2011 – and was to some of us – that the West’s military intervention to “protect” civilians in Benghazi was a cover for what became another disastrous “regime change” operation.

The report from the U.K.’s Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that the U.S. and other Western governments exaggerated the human rights threat posed by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and then quickly morphed the “humanitarian” mission into a military invasion that overthrew and killed Gaddafi, leaving behind political and social chaos.

The report’s significance is that it shows how little was learned from the Iraq War fiasco in which George W. Bush’s administration hyped and falsified intelligence to justify invading Iraq and killing its leader, Saddam Hussein. In both cases, U.K. leaders tagged along and the West’s mainstream news media mostly served as unprofessional propaganda conduits, not as diligent watchdogs for the public.

Today, we are seeing an even more dangerous repetition of this pattern: demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, destabilizing the Russian economy and pressing for “regime change” in Moscow. Amid the latest propaganda orgy against Putin, virtually no one in the mainstream is exercising any restraint or finding any cautionary lessons from the Iraqi and Libyan examples.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Fux wrong with y’all? Y’all got war criminal fever, too?

Discussing the Sad Reality that Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs Love War

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs Love War…“…

Rayn: Neo-Cons AND Neo-Libs love war…

“September 11, 2001 turned out to be that ‘Pearl Harbor Event’ the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed.” – Ron Paul

“September 11, 2001 turned out to be that ‘Pearl Harbor Event’ the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed.” – Ron Paul

Jonas A.:  I agree!!! P____GS!!!!