As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Because, “science”!
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
My Commentary: Because, “science”!
The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jordan K…
Jordan K.: The Toll of the Anti-Vaccination Movement, in One Devastating Graphic:
This guy is suggesting you shouldn’t have the right to decide if your kids are vaccinated or not!
“The lesson of all this is that vaccination is not an individual choice to be made by a parent for his or her own offspring. It’s a public health issue, because the diseases contracted by unvaccinated children are a threat to the community.”
This guy, or any of you for that matter, tries to force a needle in my child that I don’t agree with and you’re gonna see something far worse than a threat to the community.
Rayn: When the State medically rapes you, it’s for the “greater good”! 😉
Luis V.: Nobody forces you, if you want your kid in day care or school it is necessary. What is your beef with vacinations?
Rayn: “Necessity is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt
Luis V.: LoL ok.
Jordan K.: “The lesson here is that vaccination is not an individual choice to be made by a parent…” my beef is with the article suggesting that I shouldn’t have a choice. Currently any child can attend school without being vaccinated by claiming religious beliefs. In 2014, religious beliefs will grant your child freedom from vaccinations but your personal choices won’t.
Luis V.: Why would you put your child in harms way by not vaccinating them? That’s up there with those people that refuse medical help for their children on the grounds of religion. I don’t understand the objective of denying your child vaccines?
Jordan K.: Then why are dozens of vaccines optional?
Jordan K.: Putting my child in harm’s way would be pumping him full of mercury for a virus when the death rate for said virus is no higher than the common cold. This is my informed and well researched stance, and I would appreciate it if other people gave me the respect that my education has earned and allow me to decide what is and isn’t harmful for my own child.
Rayn: Individual Sovereignty, The Non-Aggression Principle, and Voluntaryism, for the win! Without Informed consent, even so-called “medical procedures” merely represent illegitimate acts of aggression against the bodily integrity of the Individual.
Luis V.: Well my mom is an RN and my wife works with kids. It is not manditory until you go to school or day care. My wife has a cousin whos sister in law was into that holistic shit and she refused to vaccinate her kid. Kid came down with whooping caugh and it almost killed him. All because she was afraid of a fucken vaccine. Then to top it off, my ladies cousin had a new born that had to be put on heavy antibiotics to prevent him from coming down with the same shit.
Jordan K.: Then you know it’s not mandatory for religious children.
Luis V.: Sorry bro but you are not a doctor, nurse, or practice medicine so I would not take your advice on this for my child. I respect your opinion but I beleive you are wrong. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)
The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance…
Nali M.: HOLY. SHIZ.
In Case You Missed It, A Seriously Scary Thing Is Scheduled To Happen To New York City In November:
Radon in My Apartment? The Spectra Pipeline:
Rayn: Sickening…
I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm After Being Implicated in Bee Colony Collapse:
(NaturalNews) Amid all the controversy over genetically-modified (GM) crops and their pesticides and herbicides decimating bee populations all around the world, biotechnology behemoth Monsanto has decided to buy out one of the major international firms devoted to studying and protecting bees. According to a company announcement, Beeologics handed over the reins to Monsanto back on September 28, 2011, which means the gene-manipulating giant will now be able to control the flow of information and products coming from Beeologics for colony collapse disorder (CCD).
Since 2007, Beeologics has been studying CCD, as well as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), for the purpose of coming up with intervention-based ways to mitigate these conditions. And based on the way the company describes both CCD and IAPV on its website, Beeologics has largely taken the approach that intervention, rather than prevention, is the key to solving the global bee crisis.
My Commentary: Monsanto, the top ten chemical company that brought us Agent Orange, the Bovine Growth Hormone, Aspertame, PCBs, Roundup herbicide, Ritalin, “Terminator seeds,” and the majority of GMOs, WILL CONTINUE TO POISON THE EARTH, UNABATED! If you don’t like it, you’re OBVIOUSLY against SCIENCE and PROGRESS, and should have your head examined by a doctor.
I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
70 Percent of Ground Beef at Supermarkets Contains “Pink Slime”:
(Jim Avila) Gerald Zirnstein grinds his own hamburger these days. Why? Because this former United States Department of Agriculture scientist and, now, whistleblower, knows that 70 percent of the ground beef we buy at the supermarket contains something he calls “pink slime.”
“Pink slime” is beef trimmings. Once only used in dog food and cooking oil, the trimmings are now sprayed with ammonia so they are safe to eat and added to most ground beef as a cheaper filler.
It was Zirnstein who, in an USDA memo, first coined the term “pink slime” and is now coming forward to say he won’t buy it.
“It’s economic fraud,” he told ABC News. “It’s not fresh ground beef. … It’s a cheap substitute being added in.”
My Commentary: Ammonia-gas-sprayed “pink slime” padded “beef.” It’s what’s for dinner!
Factory Farming, and Corrupt, Corner-Cutting, Corporate Capitalism:
two more reasons to GO VEG!