By 2019, Criminally-Negligent Government Response to 9/11 Will Officially Yield a Higher Body Count Than Terror Attack, Itself

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Deaths from 9/11 Diseases Will Soon Outnumber Those Lost on that Fateful Day:

()  Seventeen years out from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, nearly 10,000 first responders and others who were in the World Trade Center area have been diagnosed with cancer. More than 2,000 deaths have been attributed to 9/11 illnesses.

It will get worse. By the end of 2018, many expect that more people will have died from their toxic exposure from 9/11 than were killed on that terrible Tuesday.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The EPA declared the air quality at Ground Zero to be “safe.” With no surprise, the government response results in a higher body count than the origin crisis…

Systemic NYPD Corruption

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association of the City of New York – 2017”

Police Union Slashes Number of ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Cards Issued:

(Dean Balsamini) The city’s police-officers union is cracking down on the number of “get out of jail free” courtesy cards distributed to cops to give to family and friends.

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch slashed the maximum number of cards that could be issued to current cops from 30 to 20, and to retirees from 20 to 10, sources told The Post.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Statism: the world’s most popular religion!


Discussing Politics, Political Correctness, and the 2016 Presidential Elections Among Other Members of NYC’s Autistic Community

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv…


Daniel Sv.: In the aftermath of the election, there have been many aspies who are horrified that there were a segment of aspies who supported Trump. They offer the fact that many of us were bullied and ostracized, so why do we support a supposed up front bully?

To that I answer with one word: GRASP. If you are like me, we met as a community in this group where we exchanged ideas and felt free to interact. During the early years, we had a lot of fun.

Of course, by now you are aware of the change in leadership and the resulting dissensions that occurred. The priority seemed to be less on helping people and enforcing more a PC agenda. More and more, people were ostracized and shamed for not conforming with illogical standards.

Like me, some of you felt hopeless at the politicization of such groups and the inability to be up front and honest. To us, we saw in Trump our protest vote against the increasing PC creeping in.

Being an aspie does not mean having to be politically correct. It means to be free and interacting with like minded people without conforming to a straitjacket standard. It means no politicization of support groups. I am proud to announce that Trump’s election was a repudiation of this.

Brian K.: You can dislike PC without supporting the racist, sexist, moronic, *ableist* piece of shit who still believes the debunked vaccine theory.
Are these people a better alternative to PC?

Voices from Donald Trump Rallies, Uncensored:

Jesus G.: the system has been put there long before we were even born. its so difficult for us to comprehend and understand that so we can only control what we are able to control for ourselves. other than that, we will prepare for the unknown. if able

Rayn: I’m not pro-Trump, and chose to Vote Nobody 2016, just like I have for over a decade and a half, now, as a libertarian, and more specifically, a Voluntaryist. But, to add to your post, Daniel, I can say that even the ASAN group in NYC slowly became neo-liberalized, and once their numbers were up, members became very confident in their attempts to ostracize and shame those merely holding different viewpoints than them, even when the viewpoints were of the completely innocent and peaceful variety. Diversity, apparently, refers only to physical appearance, and sexual orientation, to these types, and has NOTHING to do with perspectives, thoughts, and ideas. I’ve never been lectured, condescended to, and had my intelligence questioned so much in my life, than I have among this small group. I refer to them as Aspie Elitists, and many of them were complete cry-bullies, too. I have many examples I could share. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

When Public Support for Endless, Imperialistic Wars of Aggression is Declining, the Solution is Clear!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

First Video Showing Reverberation from NYC Bomb Explosion:

BREAKING: First Video of New York City Explosion, Photo of Pressure Cooker IED:

The FDNY is reporting 29 people were injured after an explosion, which has been called “intentional,” on a busy street in New York City on Saturday evening.

“This was an intentional act,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Saturday night, while also claiming that there is no known link to terrorism as of yet.

“Tonight New York City experienced a very serious incident,” de Blasio said.  However, he said that “there is no evidence at this point of a terror connection.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Public support for endless, imperialistic wars declining? Not a problem…

NYC Musician Uses His Time and Talent to Illustrate True Compassion as a Voluntary Endeavor

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Musician in NYC Performs Next To Homeless People So They Get More Cash:

My Commentary: Real compassion is voluntary…

But, hey, just quietly and passively pay those compulsory taxes to let the State “take care of” the homeless (AKA police harassment, corrupt shelter systems, vagrancy laws, destruction of property, fines, jails)!

Keep your soft, pink hands “clean,” my friends!

For just a taste of the truth about homelessness in NYC, and how the State represents the worse enemy to some of the most vulnerable members of our society, watch the movie, “The Saint of Fort Washington.”