Co-Conspirators Begin to Cannibalize Each Other, As Expected

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia

Angered by 9/11 Victims Law, Saudis Rethink U.S. Alliance:

(Throughout President Obama’s time in the White House, Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Persian Gulf have watched with dismay as the kingdom’s decades-old alliance with the United States seemed to be slipping.

Then came the overwhelming congressional support for Jasta, or the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which will allow relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any suspected role in the plot.

That was all the proof many Saudis needed that the alliance that has underpinned the regional order for decades was fraying — perhaps irreparably.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The co-conspirators begin to cannibalize each other, as expected…

Discussing Biggest Mass-Murderers in History

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Biggest Mass-Murderers in History Were All ‘Rulers,’ ‘Legally’ Empowered to Commit Their Heinous Deeds Through Irrational, Jingoistic Cult Religion, Known as ‘The State’“…

Mass-Murdering Statists, Adolph Hilter, Josef Stalin, Pot Pol, and Kim Jong-un

Mass-Murdering Statists, Adolph Hilter, Josef Stalin, Pot Pol, and Kim Jong-un

RaynWho Was the Biggest Mass Murderer in History?:

What did these men have in common? They were all “rulers” who were “legally” empowered to commit their heinous deeds through the SAME IRRATIONAL, JINGOISTIC CULT RELIGION, known as “THE STATE.”

Jesus G.Genghis Khan. LOL 😀

Biggest Mass-Murderers in History Were All “Rulers,” “Legally” Empowered to Commit Their Heinous Deeds Through Irrational, Jingoistic Cult Religion, Known as “The State”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Mass-Murdering Statists, Adolph Hilter, Josef Stalin, Pot Pol, and Kim Jong-un

Mass-Murdering Statists, Adolph Hilter, Josef Stalin, Pot Pol, and Kim Jong-un

Who Was the Biggest Mass Murderer in History?:

() Who was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world? Most people probably assume that the answer is Adolf Hitler, architect of the Holocaust. Others might guess Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who may indeed have managed to kill even more innocent people than Hitler did, many of them as part of a terror famine that likely took more lives than the Holocaust.

But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people – easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: What did these men have in common? They were all “rulers” who were “legally” empowered to commit their heinous deeds through the SAME IRRATIONAL, JINGOISTIC CULT RELIGION, known as “THE STATE.”

Are Most Individuals Actually Just Terrorists, or Do Some of Us Hold Our Principles Above “Politics”?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The State is a Terrorist Organization, By Definition!“…

Rayn: By definition, the State is actually a terrorist organization!


"Terrorism (noun): the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."

“Terrorism (noun): the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.”

Juan P.: I think this is covers everyone at some point…lol

Rayn: You’ve used violence, or threatened others with it, in the pursuit of your political aims?

Rayn: I’m anti-political, so I don’t engage in this sort of anti-social behavior… (The closest I’ve even remotely come to fitting this description was the one time I voted for president in the 2000 election when I was 19 years old).

As a Voluntaryist, I embrace the Individual Sovereignty (aka self-ownership) of all beings, and adhere to the Non-Aggression principle as a means of securing it! 😉

Juan P.Let’s just say I’ve tracked terrorist for 15 years and the truth is at any givin time a normal person can commit “terror” acts at any given time. Keep true to you and enjoy life.

Genaire: Juan, I’m not sure about you, but I know I’ve personally never used violence or intimidation in aims of governing others. I may have done said acts in defence of myself or my relatives which however is far different then terrorizing with the intent to control/govern others. I personally don’t know many who have.

Juan P.: l guess it depends on the contexted, to some I may have been called that to others something else. If you question is have I done it of my own If i have done it then I can not say on these channels. Have I suffered for it, yes, have I lost friends? Yes.

Genaire: If you haven’t done it under your own accord it doesn’t count. No one blames the military most blame the policies that have lead to the world’s current state.

Juan P.: I guess the problem for me is that all groups, political, religion, idealist, you name it have “political aims” and push the ideas onto others. I like that people have an opinion and want to share. Sadly there is no perfect world and there will always be someone who controls someone, it has happened since the start of time. I will say I love the freedom you and Rayn have and I hope to get there soon.

Rayn: Juan, if what you say is true, and “a normal person can commit ‘terror’ acts at any given time,” then I should consider it even more a badge of honor that most consider me “crazy,” rather than “normal”!

Juan P.: I fear the “normal” person, crazy is more my style anyway.

The State is a Terrorist Organization, By Definition!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Terrorism (noun): the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."

“Terrorism (noun): the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.”

My Commentary: By definition, the State is actually a terrorist organization!
