Most Philadelphians Evade Illegitimate Soda Tax

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Drink Taxes Damage the Economy and Do Nothing to Cut Sugar Intake:

(Susan Neely) The start of the new year means new resolutions for millions of Americans. These include resolutions to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, and save money. In Philadelphia, local leaders set their own goals last January to curb obesity and raise revenue through a new tax on non-alcoholic beverages. But like so many New Year’s resolutions, the Philadelphia beverage tax fell short of the promises local officials made to consumers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Whoa! Turns out that most Philadelphians are tax-evading criminals, who prefer to “steal” from the “public,” rather than pay their “fair share”! LOL!

Big Sugar Enlisted Harvard Scientists to Discredit Link to Cardiovascular Disease, Because… “Science”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


How Big Sugar Enlisted Harvard Scientists to Influence How We Eat—in 1965:

(Deena Shanker) The food industry has funded research in an effort to influence nutrition science and health policy for more than half a century, new research out Monday has found.

It’s no secret that industry funds such efforts today: An investigation in June, for example, showed how the National Confectioners Association worked with a nutrition professor at Louisiana State University to conclude that kids who eat sugar are thinner than those who don’t.

An article by University of California-San Francisco researchers, published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine, shows how far back such efforts go: In 1965, the Sugar Research Foundation, the precursor to today’s Sugar Association, paid Harvard scientists to discredit a link now widely accepted among scientists—that consuming sugar can raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. Instead, the industry and the Harvard scientists pinned the blame squarely, and only, on saturated fat.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Because, “science”…

Discussion on Toxic Food Products

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Pick Your Poison…“…


Saccharine, Aspartame, and Sucralose – available at a restaurant in Tifton, Georgia

Pick your poison. What color would you like your headache to be, today?

Isn’t it interesting how this man-made neurotoxic trash is completely “legal,” and promoted by “doctors” and dietitians, alike, while possession of the all-natural, medicinal, non-toxic plant called cannabis can result in the violent kidnapping and imprisonment of innocent, peaceful individuals by agents of the State?

Rest assured that it’s all taking place for the “common good,” whether the “public” likes it, or not. Everyone knows that only the government is moral enough to make the executive decisions required to protect us ignorant “citizens” from ourselves. And, that’s precisely why the taxes that fund such operations are compulsory!

Wendy P.: It is criminal. Knowing that what is being consumed and making it available for consumers is intentional involvement. But, I don’t know how people can continue gulping it down? At first taste, it tastes unnatural and poisonous. SHAME on these agents of the State. Tears at my heart.

Rayn: Verily, Wendy! Selah!

Wendy P.: You have to watch for your life from all directions.

Pick Your Poison…

I originally posted the following photo I took, along with statement, onto my Facebook wall…

Saccharine, Aspartame, and Sucralose available at a restaurant in Tifton, Georgia

Pick your poison. What color would you like your headache to be, today?

Isn’t it interesting how this man-made neurotoxic trash is completely “legal,” and promoted by “doctors” and dieticians, alike, while possession of the all-natural, medicinal, non-toxic plant called cannabis can result in the violent kidnapping and imprisonment of innocent, peaceful individuals by agents of the State?

Rest assured that it’s all taking place for the “common good,” whether the “public” likes it, or not. Everyone knows that only the government is moral enough to make the executive decisions required to protect us ignorant “citizens” from ourselves. And, that’s precisely why the taxes that fund such operations are compulsory!

Mainstream Media Monopoly Attacks Organic Food

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"What Makes it Organic?"

“What Makes it Organic?”

The Spin Behind The “No Health Benefits To Organic Food” Scam:

According to the UK’s Food Standards Agency, and as gleefully reported today by the BBC, ‘Organic has no health benefits’, so we can all breath a sigh of relief and return to eating pesticide and chemical filled garbage. There’s probably no health benefits to unleaded paint then, eh? Any benefits left in quitting smoking? Do we even need to debunk this utter foolishness? Personally, I wouldn’t expect an organic pepper to have significantly more nutrients than any other pepper, since they are usually not genetically engineered, though nutrient levels were the only factor in the study’s determinations. Turns out organic peppers do indeed have elevated nutrient levels, but not significantly elevated, according to the FSA. The health benefits of not ingesting a host of ingredients far too dangerous to be included in a child’s chemistry set is a glaring omission

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Discover the TRUTH behind the latest BLATANTLY MISLEADING PROPAGANDA-PIECES AGAINST ORGANIC FOOD, brought to you by the mainstream media, on behalf of the UK’s Food Standards Agency (which, in a glaring CONFLICT OF INTEREST, is FUNDED by the FOOD INDUSTRY).


EVIL CORPORATIONS that rely on INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE ARE IN A SWEAT!!! They have taken note that the Western World is slowly waking up to the fact that FACTORY FARMS are UNNATURAL, WASTEFUL & POISONOUS TO THE ENVIRONMENT! More & more people are seeking out food that is PURE – the way NATURE INTENDED IT!

Do you think that this growing trend in healthy eating will stop these CORPORATIONS from engaging in their SELFISH, ENVIRONMENTALLY SHORT-SIGHTED PRACTICES, BASED SOLELY IN PROFIT? HELL NO! Instead, they will simply engage in efforts to POLITICALLY-ASSASSINATE their COMPETITION!