Taxation is Theft

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Campaign for Liberty“…




Morgan S.: beats the hell out of me.

Rayn: 🙂

Morgan: i dont know if it is all one word or what the thing is. is something I have never heard of .

David L.: Taxation is theft?

Morgan S.: maybe? who really knows. right? I mean it could be a Latin word for a thing? but giving that it is shared from a campaign for liberty page. you are probably right but it is not a true statement because how would a nation exist with out taxes.? communism? with out a some form of governing body, you would have a lawless society that sadly most of our great grand parents and us would not be alive.they would have likely been killed by a bad person.

David L.: I agree that taxes are needed, its how the tax money is used afterward that is the conundrum.

Rayn: You’ve guessed correctly, David. And, the statement is absolutely true, Morgan. The existence of a “nation” doesn’t supersede the existence of the Individuals within it. Meanwhile, individuals cannot simply relegate rights which they don’t have, themselves, to others, no matter how much they imagine that such activity would somehow eliminate the lack of morality inherent to the unjust acts they seek to commit, by proxy – nor will it relinquish them of personal responsibility for the acts now being committed in their name. Since you and I have no right to take money from others without their consent, neither does the State! It wouldn’t matter if we tossed out the claim that it was for the “greater good,” or if we used some of the stolen money to buy our victim a service he also didn’t consent to, as we pocketed some for ourselves as payment for arranging said service. It would be a criminal act, regardless. It’s probably disappointing to hear this, if you’re a member of the Statist cult, but… yeah… true morality is universal, like that.

Rayn: To that, David, I quote William Pitt: “Necessity is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

The IngSoc Mentality Reigns Supreme in America

The following correspondence originally took place here, on the Facebook wall of Voluntaryist, Larken Rose

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.' - George Orwell, 1984

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.’ – George Orwell, 1984

Larken Rose: Here, have a PRINCIPLE: The fact that allowing people their freedom might result in things you don’t like, and things that don’t benefit you, does not mean that forcibly infringing on people’s freedom is justified. Freedom means you don’t always get your way. Deal with it.

Rayn: The IngSoc mentality of doublethink is polluting the thought patterns of far too many to even count. And, we are quickly approaching the year 1984.

Being pro-liberty and pro-justice (hence, a Voluntaryist), I often find myself debating Statists who protect their slave-minded views with some variation on the theme that “freedom is slavery.” These types typically regurgitate thoughtless claims, such as “warlords will take over,” “criminals will run the show,” and other such completely contradictory, totally accusatory ideas. And, I usually eviscerate their faulty logic by simply pointing out that the things they fear most about freedom are, interestingly enough, exactly those which are currently *legally* happening under the yoke of the State.

Also, being pro-peace, and hence, anti-war, I also find myself in the strange position of debating Statists who claim some variation on the theme that “war is peace.” These types often dutifully explain to me that the American government is bombing the Middle-East for the sake of “reducing violence,” for “stability,” for “protection,” for “liberty,” etc., etc. They even readily agree with my assessment of their view, when I say, “so, basically, you believe that war is peace?” Very few recognize the reference, nor do they understand its implications. The idea that a war pig like Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize is completely Orwellian, alone. When I hear any mention of the pathetic “war on terror” justification, I often invoke crickets by mentioning that war, itself, is terrorism. More doublethink…

Sadly, the “ignorance” required for, and maintained by, these two major modes of doublethink lends enormous “strength” to sociopolitical collectivism, and by extension, the continued existence of a single ruling authority-head, capable of molding and forming such a gigantic mass of shapeless, empty human beings into one centrally-structured body.

Stop Voting for Masters to Rule Over You, or You’ll Always Be a Slave!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Vacate The Vote”…


"I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils... is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism"

“I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils… is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism”

David L.: Glad we agree on the deal with superdelegates. The primaries should be about the popular vote.


"Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups… So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!" (by Rayn)

“Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups…
So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Daniel F.: That’s why we have a Constitution which specifies limits on what the government is allowed to do. If democracy is “two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner,” then liberal/constitutional democracy adds the restriction that dinner can’t be the sheep. (Not that the system has ever actually worked very well)

Rayn: As I explained to you previously, Daniel, I wholeheartedly agree with Lysander Spooner, who stated, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Don’t Like Corporations? Well, Guess What? Governments Are Responsible for Legally Creating Them!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “V is for Voluntary”…


“Democide: if you support government, you’ve probably never heard of this.”

“Democide: if you support government, you’ve probably never heard of this.”

Daniel F.: And when corporations essentially have all the power of governments, what’s the difference?

Rayn: So, you’re telling me that you STILL haven’t realized that governments are the ones responsible for “legally” CREATING these “power[ful]” corporations you speak of? LOL!

Either way, both of these legal fictions essentially function as protective Straw-men, by LIMITING THE PERSONAL LIABILITY of those humans who operate them, while maximizing their personal profitability! But, alas, you’re missing the point of this post…

Did you even take a moment to notice the comment that originally came with this picture before posting your response to it? It says, “Statists be like, ‘but corporations are evil’.” In other words, your Red herring fallacy of a response is such a predictably off-topic digression, it might as well have been pre-programmed into you by an outside influence. As it stands, I view it as your means of quickly eliminating the cognitive dissonance you experienced when you attempted to reconcile your active support of Statism with the fact that it is WELL-ESTABLISHED as the number one murderer of human beings around the globe for the last century.

"Governments murdered 262,000,000 disarmed civilians in the 20th century. Anti-Statism is a life saver." (Artwork originally located here, where it was posted by the Facebook page, "Bastiat Institute")

“Governments murdered 262,000,000 disarmed civilians in the 20th century. Anti-Statism is a life saver.”
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Bastiat Institute“)

I would suggest you engage in some deeply Critical thinking about the topic of hundreds of millions being murdered by their own governments, aka “Democide” and you’ll soon find yourself completely out of excuses for supporting the State, and might even feel ashamed that you ever even remotely consented to such an abominable system of coercion, exploitation and violence against your fellow man.

Otherwise, simply ignore me as a “lunatic fringe,” and keep on voting harder for more of that “necessary” evil (the lesser of two, of course) to keep you feeling safe and secure in your person. If that’s the case, then I wish you well in your journey, and hope that you are able to find some semblance of comfort in being “ruled” by an “elect”-caste of sociopathic, morally-inferior “betters.”

In the words of Samuel Adams:

“Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

The “Social Contract” Doesn’t Exist

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Liberty Principle: No Consent from the Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Anarchism: The radical notion that other people are not your property"

“Anarchism: The radical notion that other people are not your property”

My Commentary: “But.. muh social ‘contract’ proves that they are!” – Shit Statists Say

Hmm… since when are non-consensual arrangements fabricated upon invisible paper with invisible ink referred to as “contracts”? Just more proof that Statism Is A Cult!