All American Presidents are Puppets, Who Will Protect Their Elitist Masters

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People’s Uprising,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Bush protected the elite Obama protected the elite The next puppet will protect the elite"

“Bush protected the elite
Obama protected the elite
The next puppet will protect the elite”

My Commentary: *Elitists

A Puppet Show for the Voting Cattle

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Berie "Sellout" Sanders

Berie “Sellout” Sanders

The Day Has Arrived: Bernie Just Sold Out His Useful Idiots for Chump Change:

(Donn Marten) The old socialist crank Bernie Sanders has just confirmed exactly what all the skeptics and wise men always knew that he would do, he sold out his army of loyal followers for pennies on the dollar. It was as inevitable as the fall of the Berlin Wall that Bernie would eventually betray his own revolution and he did so in grand style on Thursday. After a much-hyped visit with Emperor Obama he emerged from the White House promising to work with Queen Hillary to save America from the horror of a Donald Trump presidency.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Enjoying the puppet show, voting cattle? 😉

Vote for a Pathological Liar Who Won’t Even Acknowledge All Human Rights, or Refuse to Consent to Injustice?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Enjoy the Puppet Show!“…

Rayn: Enjoy the puppet show!

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

Jonas A.: *laughs* “sword fighting”….and it’s in the “wrong” place…lol

Nick N.: it would be funnier if they were lightsabers

Alison K.: I see your swartz is as big as mine lol

Rayn: Indeed, Jonas! Each puppet is sporting a woody! Which one will penetrate Wall Street’s rectum deeper, once the corporate ass-kissing begins?

Jonas A.: hahahahah…that s–t is too funny!!!

Katherine C.: Maybe, but can I just go for the one that isn’t openly racist and won’t put in a court justice that might overturn Roe v. Wade?

Rayn: It’s up to you, Katherine, but I’m not willing to overlook the fact that BOTH candidates support the Federal government’s violent, murderous, classist, openly racist, and absolutely tyrannical “War on Drugs” and “War on Terrorism” – operations that translate into egregious human rights violations, and enormous profits for the military-industrial and prison-industrial complexes that these plutocratic puppets daily pander to!

I do not consent to be governed by injustice, and I will not negotiate away even one of my natural-borne rights in exchange for the worthless recognition of another. Furthermore, I will not negotiate away the natural-borne rights of any other individual in exchange for the worthless acknowledgment of my own. If our natural-borne rights are not inalienable, then they are really just privileges by another name…

Enjoy the Puppet Show!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Truth Be Known,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

My Commentary: Enjoy the puppet show!