The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Enjoy the Puppet Show!“…
Rayn: Enjoy the puppet show!

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America
Jonas A.: *laughs* “sword fighting”….and it’s in the “wrong” place…lol
Nick N.: it would be funnier if they were lightsabers
Alison K.: I see your swartz is as big as mine lol
Rayn: Indeed, Jonas! Each puppet is sporting a woody! Which one will penetrate Wall Street’s rectum deeper, once the corporate ass-kissing begins?
Jonas A.: hahahahah…that s–t is too funny!!!
Katherine C.: Maybe, but can I just go for the one that isn’t openly racist and won’t put in a court justice that might overturn Roe v. Wade?
Rayn: It’s up to you, Katherine, but I’m not willing to overlook the fact that BOTH candidates support the Federal government’s violent, murderous, classist, openly racist, and absolutely tyrannical “War on Drugs” and “War on Terrorism” – operations that translate into egregious human rights violations, and enormous profits for the military-industrial and prison-industrial complexes that these plutocratic puppets daily pander to!I do not consent to be governed by injustice, and I will not negotiate away even one of my natural-borne rights in exchange for the worthless recognition of another. Furthermore, I will not negotiate away the natural-borne rights of any other individual in exchange for the worthless acknowledgment of my own. If our natural-borne rights are not inalienable, then they are really just privileges by another name…