I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi Endorses “Collateral Damage” Against Americans Who Don’t Share Her Views:
My Commentary: This Skull-Faced War-Vampire hasn’t stopped making me sick since she first said “impeachment is off the table” about Bush, Jr…
And, who could forget this special moment?
Puppet Pelosi Reminds Criminal Rove that She Helped Him Escape Justice:
It’s no surprise that Pelosi would issue a veiled threat, using the newspeak phrase, “collateral damage.” Who knows what this career war-criminal means when she her forked tongue speaks?
The Term “Collateral Damage” is Completely Vulgar and Immoral:
What if Police Begin Labeling Their Reckless Murders “Collateral Damage”?