I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Record Number of Bombs Dropped on Afghanistan in 2018”
The U.S. Never Dropped As Many Bombs On Afghanistan As It Did In 2018:
(Niall McCarthy) 17 years after U.S. forces and the Northern Alliance captured Kabul, half of Afghanistan has been retaken by the Taliban and the war is dragging on. ISIS have also become increasingly active in the country and approximately 14,000 U.S. troops are still serving there in an attempt to contain a growing wave of extremism. Even though the conflict has been making fewer headlines in recent years, the U.S. has never dropped as many bombs on Afghanistan as it did this year. According to U.S. Air Forces Central Command data, manned and unmanned aircraft released 5,213 weapons between January and the end of September 2018.
(Read entire article here…)
My Commentary: Pay your “fair share” of taxes that mostly help murder innocent civilians in the State’s imperialistic wars of aggression, or you hate poor people, you selfish scumbag.
Here’s the last child-killing, mass-murderer’s record (and, you can be sure that Trumpaloompa’s numbers are probably the same, or worse)…
Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:
Interesting Fact: Osama bin Laden was Saudi Arabian, and the son of one of wealthiest men in his country. Also, 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers on 9/11 had Saudi Arabian passports…
Here’s an informative article I wrote in December 2009…
Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan: