Criticism of Clinton Foundation’s Close Relationship with Saudi Financiers is Legitimate Journalism, Not Evidence of a “Anti-Clinton Conspiracy”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Hillary Clinton, meeting with Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mohammed Al-Sabah Qlors and Prince Saud Al-Faisal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, in Marrakech , in November of 2009, during her time as US Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton, meeting with Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mohammed Al-Sabah Qlors, and Prince Saud Al-Faisal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, in Marrakech , back in November of 2009, during her time as US Secretary of State

Clinton Aides Complain About Double Standard But Media Also Went After Bush Foundation:

(CLAIMING VICTIMHOOD AFTER critical coverage of Saudi donations to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton campaign Press Secretary Brian Fallon recently whined on Twitter that comparable Saudi links to a Bush family foundation didn’t receive anything like the same level of media scrutiny.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Conspiracy theories are only valid when being spewed by your overlords, and their minions.

The doublethink is strong with Americans…

Imperialism, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Acceptable, So Long as Team Blue Engages in Them

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2016 Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, the war monger

2016 Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, the war monger

Killary’s Speech on “American Exceptionalism” : A Pledge to Further US Global Domination:

(Patrick Martin) Hillary Clinton’s speech to the American Legion convention Wednesday was a full-throated declaration of the right and responsibility of the United States to control the world by military force. Clinton pledged to keep the US the dominant global military power, to uphold the military alliances through which US imperialism controls Europe and the Far East, and to wage war unilaterally if deemed necessary, regardless of world opinion.

Clinton repeatedly singled out Russia and China as potential targets for US military action, although such a conflict would pose the danger of nuclear war. After listing out the various unsubstantiated allegations of Russian hacking and cyberattacks, including against the Democratic National Committee, Clinton declared, “As president, I will make clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Imperialism, war crimes and crimes against humanity are okay so long as you’re team blue.

Self-Deluded Doublethinkers Unite in Promoting Tyranny

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I believe in an individual's right to choose what to do with their own body, but government should ban trans fat and sugary drinks, fine those who don't buy health insurance, and tightly regulate drugs for our own good." "I believe in private property and limited government, but taxes are the price we need to pay to secure the border, keep the streets safe, and defend out freedoms from those who wish to end our way of life."

“I believe in an individual’s right to choose what to do with their own body, but government should ban trans fat and sugary drinks, fine those who don’t buy health insurance, and tightly regulate drugs for our own good.”
“I believe in private property and limited government, but taxes are the price we need to pay to secure the border, keep the streets safe, and defend out freedoms from those who wish to end our way of life.”

My Commentary: Self-deluded doublethinkers, unite in promoting tyranny!

Doublethink is the Only Real Way to Accept “Authority” of the State as Legitimate

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The Rise of the Warlords: The claim 'warlords would take over' is baseless speculation without an explanation of how they would manage such a feat.With no government to gain control of, and no ban on weapons, leaving people defenseless, how would one individual manage to subjugate a whole society?Any potential warlord is massively outnumbered and massively outgunned. The only way for a warlord to control a society is if the majority of people want to be subjugated. This is how states formed and why they exist today."

“The Rise of the Warlords: The claim ‘warlords would take over’ is baseless speculation without an explanation of how they would manage such a feat.
With no government to gain control of, and no ban on weapons, leaving people defenseless, how would one individual manage to subjugate a whole society?
Any potential warlord is massively outnumbered and massively outgunned. The only way for a warlord to control a society is if the majority of people want to be subjugated. This is how states formed and why they exist today.”

My Commentary: Doublethink: the only real way to accept State “authority”…

DemoCrackpots and RepubliConArtists are a Bunch of Boot-Licking Cop-Suckers!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Second amendment will protect us... (or) We need police to protect us? *Proud Conservative* Cops are evil and racist... (or) You don't need a gun because you have the police? *Proud Liberal*"

“Second amendment will protect us… (or) We need police to protect us? *Proud Conservative*
Cops are evil and racist… (or) You don’t need a gun because you have the police? *Proud Liberal*”

My Commentary: DemoCrackpots and RepubliConArtists are just a bunch of boot-licking cop-suckers…