In Face of Blue Privilege Corruption, Resist State-Run Gun Control

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Cop Amber Guyger Is One Reason We Need Private Gun Ownership:

(Ryan McMaken) When advocates of gun confiscation complain about “guns” and say “no one needs a gun for x” all they are really saying — whether they understand it or not — is “I want only cops and soldiers to have guns.”

While gun control advocates often claim to be suspicious of police power, logic dictates that the gun-confiscation position is simply the position that only government employees should have guns. Similarly, more mild gun-regulation positions are designed to increase the coercive power of government over the taxpaying citizenry, and to lessen access to private sources of self-defense — thus increasing private-sector dependence on government police for “protection.”  The gun-regulation position is premised on the idea that only the police can really be trusted with gun ownership.

And what a terrible position that is.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Only a mindless drone would push for State-run gun control in this climate of murderous Blue Privilege…

DemoCrackpots and RepubliConArtists are a Bunch of Boot-Licking Cop-Suckers!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Second amendment will protect us... (or) We need police to protect us? *Proud Conservative* Cops are evil and racist... (or) You don't need a gun because you have the police? *Proud Liberal*"

“Second amendment will protect us… (or) We need police to protect us? *Proud Conservative*
Cops are evil and racist… (or) You don’t need a gun because you have the police? *Proud Liberal*”

My Commentary: DemoCrackpots and RepubliConArtists are just a bunch of boot-licking cop-suckers…

When Logic is Actually Applied Consistently, the Results are Real and Powerful

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Libertarian Rant,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Causes of Rape: (short skirts) (alcohol) (flirty behavior) (walking alone) (television) (rapists) Causes of Mass Shootings: ('assault weapons') (magazine capacites) (the NRA) (the 2nd amendment) (Islam) (mass shooters)"

Causes of Rape: (short skirts) (alcohol) (flirty behavior) (walking alone) (television) (rapists)
Causes of Mass Shootings: (‘assault weapons’) (magazine capacites) (the NRA) (the 2nd amendment) (Islam) (mass shooters)”

My Commentary: When logic is actually applied consistently, the results are real and powerful…

Traitorous Trash-Bags at New York Times Rag Shill for Yet More Failed “Gun Control” Laws

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"The New York Times: All the Bias That Fits the Left"

“The New York Times: All the Bias That Fits the Left”

End the Gun Epidemic in America:

(New York Times, All decent people feel sorrow and righteous fury about the latest slaughter of innocents, in California. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are searching for motivations, including the vital question of how the murderers might have been connected to international terrorism. That is right and proper.

But motives do not matter to the dead in California, nor did they in Colorado, Oregon, South Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut and far too many other places. The attention and anger of Americans should also be directed at the elected leaders whose job is to keep us safe but who place a higher premium on the money and political power of an industry dedicated to profiting from the unfettered spread of ever more powerful firearms.

It is a moral outrage and a national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed specifically to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency. These are weapons of war, barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: While the traitorous trash-bags at the New York Times* publish a front-page editorial shilling for a partial disarmament of all peaceful, gun-owning Americans in the name of fighting the perpetual, government-controlled “crisis” called the “war on terrorism,” sadly, a number of voting slobs are actually cheering them on!

Interestingly enough, the professional liars who write for this rag have NEVER run a front-page editorial calling for a similar disarmament of America’s OVER-MILITARIZED and MURDEROUS POLICE FORCES. Critical thinking would dictate that such an article is LONG OVERDUE for publishing, but alas, there is none to be found!

But, hey… THIS is what manipulating the masses is all about: narrowly framing the debate of major and complex issues into predetermined, easily-controllable positions, and manufacturing mass consent using the problem-reaction-solution formula of The Hegelian Dialectic.

Well, here’s a NEWS FLASH: it will take GUNS to enforce “gun control” laws!

And, here’s a REALITY CHECK: those who want to disarm their fellow citizens in any way, and yet, don’t desire the exact same thing for police, ARE NOT AT ALL “ANTI-GUN”! Rather, these types represent the WORST kind of PRO-GUN “NUT-JOB”: the DANGEROUSLY DELUSIONAL, PRO-ESTABLISHMENT BOOT-LICKER!

Finally, here’s some REAL TALK: the current “gun control” agenda being continuously shoved down the throat of the American public is not at all “progressive,” not the slightest bit “humanitarian,” nor even remotely “peaceful”! It is the intentional, strategic, preemptive removal of any and all domestic resistance to the eagerly overreaching tentacles of US government kraken!

*Note that the The New York Times is, indeed, the same worthless mainstream media monopoly source that continuously publishes disinformation in order to assist the rogue Federal government of US in the commission of Crime against peace in regards to Iraq, Syria and Ukraine, so it’s really no surprise that they continue to betray the American people in order to help the US government consolidate more power, in the name of whatever straw-boogie-man is created to instill the necessary fear…

New York Times Admits it Pushed Fabricated Evidence About Iraq, Syria and Ukraine:

Discussing Boot-Lickers, and Gun Control

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook page, upon my post, “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Boot-Lickers!“…

Rayn: Yes! 🙂 Personally, I say “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ” to each and every delusional “anti-gun” boot-licker out there!

Here’s a good joke: Ever ask a Statheist how they plan to disarm the world? Wait for it… Wait for it… GUNS!!! LOL!!!

Have a critical thought, already, cult material! Your self-deception has distorted your perception! You may choose to drop to your knees before the false deity of Government all you like, but please don’t delude yourselves with lofty ideas about being “progressive,” or even more ridiculous… “peaceful.” To discerning hearts and minds, your faith-based religion is just as dangerous and deadly as any other!

A t-shirt for sale at a truck stop in Port Wentworth, Georgia, which reads, “From My Cold, Dead, Hands”

Jonas A.: Alright!!! 2nd Amendment all the way!!!