There’s Only One Party in America, and Their Objective is War

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Fox Business Host Calls Former President George W. Bush a ‘Radical’ Liberal:

(Nicole Goodkind) Fox Business News Host Lou Dobbs called former Republican President George W. Bush a liberal on his show,  Lou Dobbs Tonight, Thursday.

In a segment on free trade, the conservative host, who has interviewed President Donald Trump on numerous occasions, called President Barack Obama a “radical left-winger,” and said that Republican President George W. Bush was “a radical… What would you call him? A liberal himself. He wasn’t a conservative.”

Bush considered himself a “compassionate conservative,” and often had single-digit approval ratings from Democrats during his presidency.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Only one party, and their objective is WAR.

Self-Deluded Doublethinkers Unite in Promoting Tyranny

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I believe in an individual's right to choose what to do with their own body, but government should ban trans fat and sugary drinks, fine those who don't buy health insurance, and tightly regulate drugs for our own good." "I believe in private property and limited government, but taxes are the price we need to pay to secure the border, keep the streets safe, and defend out freedoms from those who wish to end our way of life."

“I believe in an individual’s right to choose what to do with their own body, but government should ban trans fat and sugary drinks, fine those who don’t buy health insurance, and tightly regulate drugs for our own good.”
“I believe in private property and limited government, but taxes are the price we need to pay to secure the border, keep the streets safe, and defend out freedoms from those who wish to end our way of life.”

My Commentary: Self-deluded doublethinkers, unite in promoting tyranny!

Neo-Con War-Vampire, Jennifer Rubin, Foams at the Mouth for Murderous Destruction of Middle East and Russia

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Neo-Con War-Vampire, Jennifer Rubin

Neo-Con War-Vampire, Jennifer Rubin

Jennifer Rubin: Hillary Must Stop Peace With Iran at All Costs!:

(Daniel McAdams) After anxiously and incessantly angling for a hardcore neoconservative to take the Republican presidential nomination, the Washington Post’s online blogger Jennifer Rubin has made the long journey home. Rebuffed by Republican voters who selected Donald Trump as their candidate, Rubin’s gunpowder breath is now desperately seeking Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s ear.

Her message? This damned Iran deal is improving US/Iran relations and that is completely intolerable. “Hillary: Please bomb something over there,” Rubin screeches, in her latest installment of the neocon chronicles.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: War-vampire…