Israeli Court Holds Peaceful NZ Activists Financially Liable for Persuading Lorde to Join Artistic Boycott

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

NZ activists, Justine Sachs and Nadia Abu-Shanab

Israeli Court: NZ Activists Must Pay for Lorde Cancellation:

An Israeli court has ordered two New Zealand women to pay over $12,000 in damages for allegedly helping persuade the pop singer Lorde to cancel a performance in Israel.

The suit was filed under a law that allows civil lawsuits against anyone who calls for a boycott against Israel. Thursday’s ruling is believed to be the first time the 2011 law has been applied.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: ???

A Few Reasons to Hate Pepsi Cola…

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Jenny D.: Maybe this is why I hate Pepsi.

Suicidal Tendencies – “Institutionalized” Frontier Records:

Rayn: Ha! EPIC MUSICAL RANT! Skillz!

When I first read your post through my phone, Jenny (which says, “shared a link on your timeline,” followed by your comment), I thought you were going to cite this as the reason you hate PepsiCo:

Pepsi’s Bizarro World: Boycotted Over Embryonic Cells Linked to Lo-Cal Soda:

Of course, even if it is true that aborted HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney) cells were used in the research and development of the patented sugar enhancing ingredient that will soon be inside of Pepsi’s latest “diet soda” (due to hit the shelves this year), the original human cells used in the Senomyx company’s “technology” are subsequently cloned, then cultivated on a larger scale. This means that, either way, there are no actual aborted cells in their final product. Therefore, Pepsi drinkers can rest safe knowing that they will never actually be drinking aborted human fetal cells if they do decide to try the company’s new brand of soda. On the other hand, those that are politically (or even just personally) anti-abortion might want to start boycotting Pepsi right away, due to their collaboration with Senomyx – a company that has created multiple products derived from aborted fetal cells!

Jenny D.: No actual aborted fetus in the final product. Another reason not to drink Pepsi.

Rayn: “What the f*ck were they thinking!?” 🙂

Jenny D.: Drink Coke! It’s the real thing…

Rayn: Ha! Maybe in Mexico, it is! In the American-manufactured version of their product, however, Coke uses the cheap, sugar-replacement I like to call “high f*cktose corn-syrup” (unless it’s the yellow-capped Kosher version that is sold during Passover – in select neighborhoods, of course)! 🙂

Boycott the Presidential Debates!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “NO to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Boycott the debates. You won't miss much... 'More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer freedoms!' The illusion of choice. (artwork by

“Boycott the debates. You won’t miss much… ‘More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer freedoms!’ The illusion of choice.
(Artwork by

My Commentary: Vote Robomney! Four More Wars!