‘Impeachment is Off the Table’ Pelosi Strikes Again!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Told you! “Impeachment is off the table” Pelosi would continue to obstruct justice, for a third time… Criminality is a bipartisan policy. They only bicker over *which* tyranny and abuse should be implemented, next.

Pelosi Blasts Eric Holder Contempt Vote: ‘I Could Have Arrested Karl Rove Any Day’:

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’:

Nancy Pelosi Took Donald Trump Impeachment Off Table as Democrats Won House:

Pelosi Urges Bipartisanship as Democrats Win U.S. House:

Peter: We all know that impeachment is not really “off the table “ Just waiting for Mueller and for the new Committee Chairpersons to take over in January. It is important to move slowly and deliberately to expose Trump to the half of the country that believes his lies if we really want to be successful

Genaire: his base is either a bunch of morons, racist or down right selfishly greedy. They won’t care what evidence is presented.

Stacie T.: Exposing him will do nothing, unfortunately. He’s been pretty blatant about it all right from the get. That half believes him because they want to. They know the truth. They don’t care. All they know is that they can be openly racist, homophobic, xenophobic and classist because of him, so they’re going to hold onto him like their nuts in a hateful game of paint ball. I mean, how dare the other half elect a black president and think they’re going to go unpunished for it, right?

Sandra C.: Pelosi definitely CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!

Rayn: Just saw this, and had a good laugh…

Rayn? Lookie, lookie ?
What a “surprise”! I’m completely “shocked”!

Donald Trump Endorses Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House:

Virtue-Signaling Concern for Effects of American Foreign Policy on Children

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“I’d never separate you from your parents”

My Commentary: If you suddenly claim to care about innocent children, but have never spoken out against the American government’s bipartisan policy of drone-bombing innocent children, for fifteen years, straight, and counting… you’re a coward and a hypocrite. Please reevaluate your so-called morality. Thanks.

A Little Moral Consistency, Please?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Bush administration torture memo author, John Yoo

John Yoo Thinks Presidents Can Legally Torture Children. Even He Has “Grave Concerns” About Donald Trump:

(Jon SchwarzIN A NEW YORK TIMES op-ed today, John Yoo wrote the following words: “even I have grave concerns about Mr. Trump’s uses of presidential power.”

That should get your attention, since Yoo, a fancy law professor at Berkeley, is best known for authoring much of the legal advice claiming the U.S. could legally engage in torture when he served in George W. Bush’s Justice Department.

In fact, Yoo believed this so fervently that in 2005 he said that a president can torture children if necessary, and there’s nothing that Congress or international law can do to stop him.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: For those of us logically-and-morally-consistent enough for unbiased, independent, critical thinking, this has been a severe problem, provoking vocal outrage and protest, from Bush, to Obama, and on to Trump. For the lemmings among us… “Go Team Red (or Blue)!” “The other guy did it, too (or first)!”

Yes… Rest assured that those innocent human beings indefinitely detained at Guantanamo Bay, for years, without a trial, or any legitimate proof of guilt, while being tortured, sexually-abused, force-fed, and even murdered, all in your name, and with your tax dollars, take solace in the merits of your stellar reasoning. They glady embrace their complete lack of due process, and are eternally grateful for the American brand of “justice” you defend (or accept)…

When Doublethinking About the American Government’s Bipartisan Efforts to Destroy Liberty, Expect a Heavy Dose of Truth

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Doublethinking About the American Government’s Bipartisan Efforts to Destroy Liberty“…

Rayn: If you think liberty isn’t the enemy of both RepubliConArtists and DemoCrackPots… “you’re gonna have a bad time.”

H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006, passed 80-19 by the Senate, under the Bush administration:

Notable “yea” votes include: Barack Obama (D-IL), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Chuck Shumer (D-NY), Joe Biden (D-DE), Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Christopher Dodd (D-CT), among others…

“Want to know how this guy was able to authorize the wall with just his signature?
Because these guys voted in favor of building it while in the Senate”

Greg L.: True

Katherine C.: Not the same thing. It’s one thing to reinforce a border and another to build a wall and use it metaphorically to indicate that the US is racist and xenophobic.

RaynMuh Borders: they keep all the freedom inside! 😉


“Nations are basically geographic regions delimited by arbitrary lines on a map and run by criminal gangs with flags.”
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Muh Borders“)


“Government: forcing people to do shit like this since forever”
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Muh Borders“)


“Immigration control. It’s not about immigration. It’s about control.”
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Muh Borders“)

Rayn (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Doublethinking About the American Government’s Bipartisan Efforts to Destroy Liberty

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Minds,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Want to know how this guy was able to authorize the wall with just his signature?
Because these guys voted in favor of building it while in the Senate”

My Commentary: If you think liberty isn’t the enemy of both RepubliConArtists and DemoCrackPots… “you’re gonna have a bad time.”

H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006, passed 80-19 by the Senate, under the Bush administration:

Notable “yea” votes include: Barack Obama (D-IL), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Chuck Shumer (D-NY), Joe Biden (D-DE), Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Christopher Dodd (D-CT), among others…