Discovering ‘Kinsey Syndrome’ in Quest to Understand Lenient Sentencing for Child Predators

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary:

Rayn: In the comments section of the page I originally shared this photo from, someone suggested checking out a documentary called the “Kinsey Syndrome,” for answers to this prison sentencing discrepancy. So, I found a full version on YouTube, and am watching it, now, from here:

The Kinsey Syndrome:

Beta Boy Recorded Kicking Woman for Publicly Voicing Her Anti-Abortion Position

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Naked Aggression, Exposed: Man Kicks Woman for Publicly Voicing Her Anti-Abortion Position:

My Commentary: I don’t find myself on the street, arguing with strangers, but I would have neutered this beta boy before his leg ever returned to the ground. His testicles are obviously just ornamental, anyway…

Debating the Eugenics Behind Vaccinations

The following debate originally took place upon my post, “Over a Century of Vaccine Injuries and Deaths in Children

Rayn: Eugenics…

(Original post located here)

Jennifer H.: On which side?

Rayn: On the “official” side, like usual…

Rayn: Same target, as usual, too…

Jennifer H.: I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to say. Can you clarify?

Rayn: Okay. Read the “product information sheet” for the MMR-II vaccine:

Pay special attention to the sections entitled, “Contraindications,” “Warnings,” “Precautions,” and “Adverse Reactions.”

Also, if you have been previously vaccinated at any time, exactly how many of those times were you, your parents, or guardian, given any sort of product insert to read over *before* making a final decision to “consent”? In my case, I can attest to receiving this information a full 0% of the time, over the course of a fifteen year period, spanning across doctor’s offices in three States, and through over a dozen needle jabs…

Jennifer H.: Literally every time, actually, because that’s what they’re for? I had to sign a consent form to get a flu shot.

Jennifer H.: Not sure what that has to do with eugenics but OK, at least I’m clear on what this is now.

Jennifer H.: If you choose not to read what you’re signing that’s on you. ??

Jennifer H.: So, out of curiosity, what exactly is using the threat of disability as a tool of fear called?

Jennifer H.: It sounds oddly familiar. Hmm…

Rayn: My parents never received one even once, not for myself, nor any of my three siblings. Can’t “choose not to read” what was never provided in two decades of vaccinations, across three States.

Jennifer H.: So the consent forms were…blank?

Jennifer H.: Still waiting for the answer to the original question, but I guess talking about package inserts is way easier than clarifying what “target” you’re talking about.

Jennifer H.: “If I derail enough, everyone will forget this was about eugenics!”

Jennifer H.: I wonder what letting people die of vaccine-preventable disease would be called. ?

Rayn: Using the threat of disability as a tool of fear? By all means, feel free to pontificate away…

Rayn.: “If I derail enough, everyone will forget this was about eugenics!” I knew you were speed-posting for a reason…

Rayn: Derail away… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, Pushes Tired ‘White Knight’s Burden’ Trope in Bid to Continue Government Efforts to Disarm Minorities

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Michael Bloomberg Suggests Disarming Minorities to ‘Keep Them Alive’:

(Jessica Chasmar) Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reportedly argued Friday that guns need to be kept out of the hands of minorities in order to keep them alive.

While speaking at the Aspen Institute, Mr. Bloomberg, 72, said 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: a male minority between the ages of 15 and 25, The Aspen Times reported.

Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, the former three-term mayor said, according to The Times.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Repulsive…

In the article, Bloomberg states, “While I’m sitting there waiting for [the minister] to introduce me, he said to his congregation, ‘You know, if every one of you stopped and frisked your kid before they went out at night, the mayor wouldn’t have to do it,’” Mr. Bloomberg said. “And so I knew I was going to be OK with that audience.”